I like to observe and depict plants that I found in mountains and fields. Everything is gifted by nature without any human intervention. When trying to portray them, I can feel that they used to be alive and used to have emotions, so I observe and feel them with a heart filled with awe. The composition of this piece is almost symmetrical, with some elements from traditional Chinese paintings, giving the whole picture a sense of elegance and peace.
我喜欢把山间林中的一些采摘作为描绘的对象。 这些来自大自然中的物什,没有丝毫的人为的痕迹,是造物的恩赐。 在描绘它们时,我感觉到它们是有各自的表情的、 是曾经有过生命的,所以对它们是心存敬畏之心的, 屏息静气的观察和体味它们,也就是我描绘的整个过程。 这大概就是中国传统绘画理论中所提倡的“外师造化,中得心源” 吧。这是一幅令人有些伤感的作品, 构图采用了左右近乎对称的形式,这样使得画面更有仪式感, 也显得更为宁静和端庄。作品中融入了一些中国传统绘画的元素。
I like to observe and depict plants that I found in mountains and fields. Everything is gifted by nature without any human intervention. When trying to portray them, I can feel that they used to be alive and used to have emotions, so I observe and feel them with a heart filled with awe. The composition of this piece is almost symmetrical, with some elements from traditional Chinese paintings, giving the whole picture a sense of elegance and peace.