Camille Engel

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Camille Engel

United States

Camille Engel oil paintings extol the splendor she sees in everyday objects. Revealing a life captivated by detail, Engel’s intricate works focus attention on the rich colors and textures found in her subjects.

A self-taught oil painter known for her passionate nature paintings with rich lighting, colors, textures, and intricate detail, Engel works in the “indirect layering” technique of the Dutch Masters to create her art. Pursuing the aims of the realist movement with remarkable passion and skill, her oil paintings are accepted among some of the world’s top artists into prestigious museum tours and art exhibitions from Santa Fe to New York City winning numerous awards along the way.

An acute observer of detail, Engel is amazed and fascinated with light play, color and texture, and seeks to capture the richness of life. Each painting invites viewers to momentarily step into her world and share in her joy of the simple things, and experience the transcendent beauty all around us. Along with a dedication to creating rich visual intricacies, Engel revels in painstaking details. Her expertise is in the creating of intrinsic texture, depth and color that evoke emotion and captivate the viewer.

What inspires Engel most is not a singular cultural message, nor even the master painters she admires, but rather her core beliefs. “For me,” Engel explains, “every morning is a fresh opportunity to find extraordinary joy in the most ordinary things. My art overflows out of that joy."

Accepting both small and large-scale commissions, Engel works with the highest quality oil pigments and archival support with the goal of her paintings lasting through time. Please discuss any questions with the representing gallery in your area, or directly with the artist: 615-289-2264 or

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.