Eric Johnson

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Eric Johnson

United States

Eric Johnson, 25, was born in Tampa Bay, Florida and raised in Western New York. From 2012 to 2014, he worked primarily as the founder and teacher of a nonprofit organization. In 2014, after being awarded a one-year full scholarship to study in Boston at the Academy of Realist Art Boston which focused and honed his abilities. Since then, Eric has become a full time instructor at  ARA Boston, as well a paint and pigment maker. In 2016 and 2017 Eric was honored to receive a 3rd and 2nd place award from the ARC Scholarship. He also won 1st place for the Stacy scholarship from the National Cowboy Museum. Eric studied as the pupil of Boston painter Thomas Dunlay a former R.H. Ives Gammell student to learn the Boston School way of painting until 2018.

Eric is currently working out of his home studio and ARA studio in Boston, MA where he is developing a body of work that explores his personal perception of the human experience along with creating a series of painting based on each pigment and its historic/ symbolic nature which are  made exclusively from life using paints that he has made by hand. For the artist, his materials are a large source of inspiration, as a pigment and paintmaker; he is intimately familar with the tools of traditional paint making by hand.Most reccently he recorded an instructional video with Streamline Art Videos on the techniques employed in the creation of early rembrandts usingthe artists working process using 17th century limitations. His paintings can be found in private collections locally and internationally.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.