Homage to Evelyn de Morgan (Self-Portrait)
101.6 x 101.6 x [*] cm | 40 x 40 in
Oil on canvas
- Honorable Mention / Portraiture
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Homage to Evelyn de Morgan (Self-Portrait)
101.6 x 101.6 x [*] cm | 40 x 40 in
Oil on canvas
“My painting is a composition of light shining within darkness. Evelyn is at work in front of an easel, creating an angelic subject. There are colorful rays of light flowing across my painting that connect Evelyn, her palette and canvas. These three elements are divinely inspired, symbolic of the artist’s imagination. She and the angel in her painting are almost illuminated from within, which engages the viewer to question the source of the light. Is it the light from Evelyn, from the angel or an outside mysterious force? Evelyn’s gaze is introspective as she looks down on her oval shaped palette, which echoes the oval shape around the angelic figure on her canvas, implying a connection. If you look carefully the two ovals mimic an open book, and Evelyn is looking down, almost absorbing and reading into the moment. My intention is to re-enact her, using the connection I feel with her and the image of my self-portrait (I alter my features to resemble Evelyn). My ultimate goal is to capture her presence and convey a feeling of her life as an artist.” – Gabriela Dellosso