Studio Reflections by Susan Paterson

Home / Salons / 15th ARC Salon

Susan Paterson

Studio Reflections


40.64 x 34.93 cm | 16 x 13 3/4 in

Oil on panel

  • ARC Purchase Awards ($5,600)
  • FWSD Award

This work is in the Collection of the Art Renewal Center.

“Antique silver, especially with ornate decoration, fascinates me and I've been collecting and painting it for several years. I love the other worldliness silver creates in it's reflections. You're not just painting the object, but the world around and in front of it. It tells a more complete story about the space. I often use almost monochromatic colors, preferring to concentrate on the subtleties, the warms and cools and tiny shifts in color. I contrasted the darker, harder edged silver with the softness and off white tones of the lace and tablecloth. I set up my still life in a box beside a window in my studio and working from life, started with a detailed drawing transferred to the panel, then the underpainting and then several layers of color.” – Susan Paterson