Seidai Tamura

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Seidai Tamura

United States

I was born in Tokyo, Japan. Because my father worked for a Japanese corporation abroad, my earliest education began in Greece, then moved on to Kuwait, Japan, then the United States. Sometimes I wonder if I were born with a paint brush in my fist. Other little children may have eaten crayons, but I understood what crayons were for, and instinctively used them as well as paint brushes all through grade school. With high hopes in 1990 I entered theUniversity of Hawaii as an art major.

To my five year dismay, realism in art at the college was on the wane and abstract / conceptual art was in full swing. Nights I stayed up and painted in the empty art studios at UH until dawn, striving for excellence in contour, value, and color. 1995 marked my graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts.

In 2002 I attended an intensive one week workshop presented by Nelson Shanks. Later that year in San Mateo, California, I attended another superb 3-week workshop presented by Tony Ryder of New Mexico.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.