Living Artist Application

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Thank you for interest in joining the ARC Affiliated ArtistsSM and Living Masters Gallery. The Art Renewal Center® was founded in 1999 for the advancement of skill-based training in the visual arts. As a registered 501(c)3, non-profit, educational foundation and one of the internet's leading art resources, our current ARC Affiliated Artists are enjoying further success in their careers from the exposure they receive from their gallery on ARC. A significant number of artists have reported receiving major commissions and invitations from prominent gallery representation as a direct result from their online exhibit at the Art Renewal Center. ARC, having become the center for artists, collectors, and scholars, is the defining force for Contemporary Realism and excellence.

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ARC Affiliation falls under three separate categories which are decided by at least four members of our board of judges.

ARC, having become the center for artists, collectors, and scholars, is the defining force for Contemporary Realism and excellence. We have in our ARC family an exclusive group of artists whom we have classified into the following three levels of expertise:

ARC Living ArtistSM (ARCLA)

The artist has dedicated themselves to becoming a realist artist with the wish to express our shared humanity through the visual arts. In addition, an ARC Artist™ has shown competence and understanding in all of the basic building blocks of great art, these being for a painter: accurate drawing, compositional sensibilities, effective use of lighting, the technical ability to use modeling, glazing /scumbling, perspective, tone, hue and successful emotional expression. For a Sculptor: accurate representation of 3 dimensional objects, compositional sensibilities in 360 degrees, the technical ability to create an accurate finish to the surface of the sculpture, successful emotional expression.

ARC Associate Living MasterSM (ARCALM)

The artist has dedicated themselves to becoming a realist artist with the wish to express our shared humanity through the visual arts. In addition, an ARC Associate Living Master™ has shown significant skill in all of the building blocks of great art as defined in the ARC Artist™ description above. They have further developed their skills, experience and body of work to the point where they are in striking distance of becoming a full ARC Living Master as described below.

ARC Living MasterSM (ARCLM)

The artist has dedicated themselves to becoming a realist artist with the wish to express our shared humanity through the visual arts. In addition, an ARC Living Master™ has mastered all of the building blocks of great art as defined in the ARC Artist™ description, creating fully professional works of art, as well as some identifiable masterpieces. Beyond that, they have successfully created a body of work which demonstrates accomplished facility in their craft that compares to the masters of prior centuries. Their work demonstrates strong, reliable, poetic sensibilities which intertwine great universal subjects, powerful original compositions and mastery over all aspects of the craft, working seamlessly to enhance the chosen subject. They repeatedly are able to "suspend disbelief" in the viewer eliciting empathy which is rooted in our shared humanity.

If you believe you would qualify and are interested in becoming a member of the most prominent realist art foundations and would like to have your work seen by nearly 5 million yearly visitors, who are targeted art lovers, collectors, gallery owners and museum officials, ARC is now ready to review your work.


All artists will be judged exclusively on the basis of merit by a minimum of 4 judges from the ARC Board of Judges, whose expertise and credentials are posted on the ARC website. All applicants will be notified as to whether or not they have qualified.

Due to the logistics of having your work reviewed by four Judges, please be advised that artist applications are reviewed in three month intervals. You will be informed as to the results of your application no later than four months from the time of your submission.


  • A listing in our ARC Living Artist/Masters Gallery with contact information, a biography and up to 25 images of your work.
  • The ability to update your section via our website interface.
  • The ability to add events to our ARC Events Calendar (this includes workshops you teach, artist demonstrations, exhibitions, lectures, etc.)
  • The ability to announce exhibitions, open houses, artist demos and other non-workshop or enrolment events at no additional charge in our blog, social media and weekly newsletter that goes out to over 30,000 registered ARC Members (one announcement per event). There is an option to pay for workshop and enrolment announcements as well as multiple announcements for the same event in our blog/social media/newsletter, which we only allow for ARC Affiliated Artists™, institutions, and ARC Allied Organizations. All events can be added to our calendar at no charge.
  • For an additional $500 a year, works on your artist page can be marked as being for sale. Interested individuals will be able to click to send an email directly to you to inquire about the painting. ARC takes no commission on actual sales and works for sale is a search option on the ARC museum artworks search page.
  • Free access to all the high-resolution images in the ARC museum
  • All courses taught by artists with a title of ARC Associate Living Master™ or ARC Living Master™ are automatically ARC Approved™ and if teaching regularly artists with these titles qualify for a listing as teaching master classes on the ARC Atelier Page and map

Mandatory Fees

  • $75 application fee
  • $200 one time set up
  • $300 annual membership

Optional Services

  • $500 – A one year ability to announce workshops you teach as well as when new paintings are finished and available for sale in our blog, social media and weekly newsletter that goes out to over 30,000 registered ARC Members every week (limited to one announcement every three weeks).
  • $500 – A one year ability to mark works of art as being for sale in your gallery section on the ARC website (interested individuals will be able to click to send an email to you to inquire about the painting).
  • $650 - A one month ad campaign where an ad or a specific event will appear in our newsletter for four consecutive weeks. The ad will also appear on the ARC ad bar which pops up on our main pages as well as on the ARC Affiliated Artist and ARC Approved SchoolSM page. (Ad must be provided.)
  • $1,600 – A three month ad campaign where a provided ad will appear in our newsletter for 12 consecutive weeks. The ad will also appear on the ARC ad bar which pops up on our main pages as well as on the ARC Affiliated Artist and ARC Approved SchoolSM page. (Ad must be provided.)

* All items submitted are posted on ARC at ARC's sole discretion. ARC reserves the right not to place any information or images on the website which it deems inappropriate or not in the artists best interests, and to edit submitted materials.
