Sitting Man (Fulco) by Mathias Bader

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Mathias Bader

Sitting Man (Fulco)


120 x 100 x 90 cm | 47 x 39 1/4 x 35 1/4 in

Water based clay

  • MEAM Purchase Award
  • Third Place ($500 Cash Award) / Sculpture

Exhibited at the MEAM

"A man - reposing, grounded.

Wandering thoughts.

Do you recognize the landscape?

Stroll, roam around, climb up higher.

The representation of his body works as a map.

Go past vibrant surfaces, rest in calm areas.

Which way did you come from?

He is resting in himself, a clear landmark.

The figure represents a dynamic, but resting pose, immersing into passages within the figure, to notice the great emphasis placed on different surface textures distributed over the body. Calm, closed surfaces, interact with open, respiring and condensed vibrant areas. The variety in the surface quality allows the figure to breath and reflects the journeys of the portrayed mind.” – Mathias Bader