Randalf Dilla

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Randalf Dilla


Randalf Dilla, 35, is a hyperrealist artist from the Philippines whose work reveals breakthrough amidst complexity and adversity. His surrealism art on oil in canvas, both magnanimous and provocative, revels at how individuals are placed in crucial situations, giving voice to the universal quest for life. Dilla’s work delicately probes the ubiquitous issues of culture, history, and politics to express his observations whether raw or metaphorical.


Born and raised in Basco, Batanes, Dilla completed his bachelor’s degree in fine arts in FEATI University in Manila, graduated with distinction in 2008. Over the years of painting, Dilla, who has exhibited in various museums and galleries in and out the Philippines, is a recipient of national and international art awards, including from a prestigious realist art competition, the International ARC Salon. In 2019 he won the 12th Edition of Arte Laguna Prize which granted him a GLO’ART Residency in Belgium.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 16th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.