Mark McDermott

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Mark McDermott


Mark's enthusiasm for art goes back to his early childhood in England where he displayed a keen interest in drawing. Moving to Canada at an early age he was eager to be Canadian. In his late 20s he re discovered his creativity and received a diploma in Graphic Design and Illustration from Capilano University. Around 2003 Mark started to learn classical oil painting and developed his skill over the next several years. After a hiatus from painting Mark continued to study colour and technique and in 2017 picked up painting again with renewed vigour and much improved technique and style. Mark has since been juried into shows in New York, Santa Fe and several online shows. Mark also was a finalist in the prestigious ARC Salon in 2020. He vows to never leave painting behind ever again and looks forward to teaching oil painting as soon as is possible.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 16th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.