{"Id":6550,"Name":"Charles Joseph Frederick Soulacroix","Biography":"Montpellier (F) 6 Jul. 1825-Firenze (I) 9 May 1899\u003CP\u003EHe was 16 year when his sister Amelie married in Lyon (F) Frederic Ozanam(who became \u0026sup3;Beato\u0026sup2; in 1997 by Pope John Paul II)\u003CP\u003E1845: in Paris - Ecole des Beaux Arts. Sculpture and Painting\u003CP\u003E1847: creates a bust of Royer-Collard, famous political man of the\u0026sup3;Monarquie de Juillet\u0026sup2;. Bust bought in 1849 and later offered to theInstitut de France.\u003CP\u003E1847: classified I for sculpture at the Ecole des Beaux Arts.\u003CP\u003E1848: Obtains a medal for his first sculpure works.\u003CP\u003E1849: in June classified 6th for painting at the \u0026sup3;Grand Concours\u0026sup2; of theEcole des Beaux Arts.\u003CP\u003E1850: in October his success at the \u0026sup3;Grand Concours\u0026sup2; gives C.S. theopportunity to go to Rome\u003CP\u003E1852: marries in Rome (July the 18th) Giacinta Diofebo\u003CP\u003E1856: birth in Rome of Marie-des-Anges\u003CP\u003E1858: birth in Rome of FREDERIC, October the Ist\u003CP\u003E1853-1863 works in Rome, Parma, Pisa, Livorno, Firenze\u003CP\u003E1861: asked by Mgr Heffreingue, Bishop of Boulogne su Mer, to paint frescosfor the Dome and 6 Chapels of the Cathedral of Notre Dame\u003CP\u003E1862: January : Received by Pope Pius IX: shows his sketches for theCathedral of Boulogne sur Mer\u003CP\u003E1863-1865 Works in Boulogne sur Mer at the Cathedral\u003CP\u003E1870: back to Italy, in Firenze\u003CP\u003E\u003Cp\u003E","Awards":null,"HasAlbums":false,"HasPortraits":false,"HasRelationships":false,"HasArticles":false,"HasDepictedPlaces":false,"HasLetters":false,"HasLibraryItems":false,"HasProducts":false,"HasSignatures":false,"HasVideos":false,"HasMapLocations":true,"TotalArtworks":61}