The Ryder Studio

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The Ryder Studio



1807 2nd St, #31, Santa Fe, United States

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The Ryder Studio
3331 La Avenida de San Marcos
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507-0410

An announcement concerning tuition scholarships at the Ryder Studio

As we go about learning the arts of drawing and painting, we find ourselves engaged in a gradual process of growth, something like that of a tree that takes years to mature. It becomes apparent to us that in order to grow in this way, and to attain to a measure of confidence sufficient for us to continue drawing and painting on our own after having left school, we need at first to work in a focused environment in which to cultivate the still tender sapling of our abilities. Furthermore, we see that we may need to study in this setting for a few years. 
The Ryder Studio is such an environment, providing the surroundings and conditions for this process of growth. It’s mission is to enable students to establish in themselves a way of life, the exercise of the profession of artist, through the regular application of inspired painting and drawing practices, with the intent that they, the students, may become virtuosic instruments of higher beauty. The design and layout of the Ryder Studio, its operation and program of classes, are conducive to the flow of quiet, contemplative energy and meditation on the effects of light and the phenomenon of the form of the human body. In this serene atmosphere, with dawning understanding, students encounter the processes of drawing and painting and the means to study them patiently and unhurriedly. 
Therefore, in the interest of encouraging long term study, and to make it possible for students to spend not just one year, but two or more, tuition scholarships of 50% will now be offered to those who have completed a first, full year of study in the yearly drawing and painting program, also known as the Atelier. These scholarships will be available to eligible students both for the Atelier and the Ryder Studio summer workshops. 
For more information, please contact Anthony Ryder at:

Instruction in observational painting and drawing from life

Non-symbolic painting is the representation of what we see with our eyes, not substituting ideograms, like present day 'emojis'. Through the study of non-symbolic painting we learn to see the building blocks of visual experience: the forms of things, and the light by means of which we see these forms. Nature in general, and the human figure and portrait in particular, possess a certain, wonderfully beautiful kind of formal structure about which there has been for centuries among painters of renown a special knowledge and language. We who practice the art of painting from life study this knowledge.

Form Painting

Form painting is an approach to painting that is one with the understanding of form and light. It is a way of processing and representing our perception of the appearance of the model. Through the agency of light, a great quantity of information radiates from the model. In form painting we format and sequentialize this information, bringing it into our painting one brushstroke at a time. The approach to form painting practiced at the Ryder Studio: dark to light, and wet-into-wet, beginning with careful drawing and maintaining attention to the key (value and color) of the light, aims at a refined presentation of the style of nature. 

Anthony Ryder studied with Ted Seth Jacobs, from 1983 to 1989, at the Art Students League of New York, the New York Academy, and in France at Ecole Albert Defois. He started teaching in 1985 and has taught at many schools from coast to coast. In 1998 he wrote and illustrated The Artist's Complete Guide to Figure Drawing (Watson-Guptill). In 2007 he opened the Ryder Studio in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Please direct all inquiries to:

For a more information about the Ryder Studio, please visit our website:

To see the work of Anthony Ryder, please visit:

2018 Summer Intensive Workshops
   Figure Drawing: June 4-15
   Portrait Drawing: June 18-29, 2018
   Portrait Painting: July 2-13

   One workshop: $1500.00
   Two workshops: $2900.00
   Three workshops: $4200.00

Life Drawing: June 4-15, 2018
   Payment in full: $1500.00
   Payment plan:
        1st payment: $750.00 due on enrollment
        2nd payment: $750.00 due May 15, 2018

Portrait Drawing: June 18-29, 2018
   Payment in full: $1500.00
   Payment plan:
        1st payment: $750.00 due on enrollment
        2nd payment: $750.00 due June 1, 2018

Portrait Painting: July 2-13, 2018
   Payment in full: $1500.00
   Payment plan:
        1st payment: $750.00 due on enrollment
        2nd payment: $750.00 due June 15, 2018

Summer Workshop Packages
Any two
   Payment in full: $2900.00
   Payment plan:
        1st payment: $1450.00 due on enrollment
        2nd payment: $1450.00 due May 15, 2018

All three
   Payment in full: $4200.00
   Payment plan:
        1st payment: $2100.00 due on enrollment
        2nd payment: $2100.00 due May 15, 2018

To apply for the Ryder Studio Workshops, please go to:

2018-2019 Atelier
30-hours per week. Intensive training in fundamental skills of drawing and painting from life. Full and part time study available.

Fall Term begins: Tuesday, September 4, 2018    
Thanksgiving Holiday: November 19 – 23, 2018    
Last Day of Fall term: Friday, December 14, 2018    
Winter Break – Dec. 15, 2016 – Jan. 13, 2019    
Winter/Spring Term Begins: January 14, 2019    
Spring Break: March 11 – 15, 2019    
Last Day of Spring Term: May 3, 2019

Full time
Payment in full:
$11,250.00, due on enrollment

Payment plan:
Deposit: $250.00 due: on enrollment
1st payment: $3500.00 due: August 15, 2018
2nd payment: $3750.00 due: October 15, 2018
3rd payment: $3750.00 due: January 15, 2019

Part time
Pay-As-You-Go Enrollment:
Part-time students may enroll in the Atelier for one or more weeks at the following rate:

Full days (30 hrs./wk.):
$415.00/wk. for 4 weeks or more
$475.00/wk. for 1, 2 or 3 weeks

Half days (15 hrs./wk.):
$235.00/wk. for 4 weeks or more
$260.00/wk. for 1, 2 or 3 weeks

To apply for the 2018 - 2019 Atelier, please go to:

Course languages (Check multiple if applicable) English
Full-Time Instructors 3
Accommodation No

Full time: USD 11250 / year

The Ryder Studio

1807 2nd St, #31

Santa Fe, NM, 87505, United States

Aurora by Anthony J. Ryder

Raven by Anthony J. Ryder

Reverse by Anthony J. Ryder

Bill Cowdy by Anthony J. Ryder

Mind and Heart by Anthony J. Ryder

Murex by Anthony J. Ryder

Randall Orwig by Anthony J. Ryder

Meditation 1 by John Reger

M. Tobias Hall by Anthony J. Ryder

Trevor Burrowes by Anthony J. Ryder

Maribou La Tour by Anthony J. Ryder

Alisabeth Brown by Anthony J. Ryder

Haydyn Jackson by Anthony J. Ryder

Swan Lake by Celeste Ryder

Swiftly Passing by Celeste Ryder

Donna Chamisa by Deborah Allison

Triangulum (Michele's Missing Key) by M. Tobias Hall

Cinzia by Anna Wakitsch

Marguerite by Anna Wakitsch