ARC Website Feature - My Albums
Published on August 10, 2018
When the Art Renewal Center website relaunched, several new features were added to the site to create a better and more user-friendly experience for our registered members.
My Albums has been designed to help our visitors save and organize their favorite artworks on the ARC website in one convenient place. Artworks can be saved into as many albums as users wish to create, for easy access.
To utilize this feature, log in to the ARC website, or create a free account if you are not a member. Click "Search the ARC Museum" and browse for your favorite artworks. To add an artwork to your album, simply click the star located on top of the image on the artist's main page, or if you are viewing the full size image, click the star at the bottom. A pop-up window will appear showing the image. Click the blue button that says "Create Album," type in the title you wish to use for your album and click "Create." To save to an existing album, just click the check mark on the right next to the album of your choice. Once you have saved the image to an album, click anywhere on the page to close the pop-up window.
Albums can be kept private or be made public to share with your family and friends.
To view all of the images in your album, just navigate to "My ARC" on the menu bar on the top of the website and click "My Albums" to see all of your selections. Over 1,000 albums have already been created by ARC users, so join in and create your own!