Posts for October, 2014

October 2014

New ARC Associate Living Master™

October 31, 2014

ARC is pleased to welcome Jerry Luisi as an ARC Associate Living Master™.

"The subject matter of all my art is primarily the human figure. My work is a reflection of my basic view of the positive nature of humanity. Through the use of the figure, I attempt to show the beauty of the human spirit, both mind and body.

In my work, even though I'm presenting a moment in time in which the figures are mostly motionless, they all show the capacity to move and to live according to positive values."

To see Jerry Luisi's gallery, please click here.

Laurie - right side view by Jerry Luisi

<i>PleinAir </i>Magazine Salon Winners

October 30, 2014

The winners of the bi-monthly PleinAir Salon competition have been announced and are featured in PleinAir magazine's e-newsletter.

Winner - Best Figurative
Chasing Shadows by John Buxton
Winners of the bi-monthly competition will be entered into the annual contest. Click here to take a look at the winners.

The October/November PleinAir Salon is now open, with the winners announced in mid-December. ARC Living Master, Joseph McGurl will be the judge of this upcoming competition.
To find out more details about this competition held by PleinAir Magazine, please click here.

New Sculpture Workshops at The Florence Academy of Art

October 29, 2014

The Florence Academy of Art offers a full time NASAD accredited Certificate program and intensive workshops in Sculpture. New this year is a two-week all-day course, Sculpting the Portrait from Life, with Eran Weber and Sanne Van Tongeren. Regular demonstrations and individual critiques will guide students through basic and advanced concepts of the portrait, light and form, anatomical and proportional canons to support a visual understanding, analyzing depth and understanding contour movement in space.

For information about the Florence Academy, please click here.

Solomon by Eran Webber
Life size, Bronze, 2010


October 28, 2014

Sign up for this Da Vinci Initiative workshop with Charles Miano & Mandy Hallenius at The Southern Atelier in Sarasota, FL.
Although appropriate for anyone wanting to increase their technical drawing skills, this weekend workshop is geared for art teachers. Participants will be introduced to a 19th century drawing curriculum known as The Charles Bargue Drawing Course. Throughout the workshop participants will learn how to control proportion, organize values, and increase their sensitivity when drawing realistically. K-12 lesson plans will be provided so that participants can immediately integrate these skill-based drawing concepts into their current curricula.
Sat - Sun 12/13-12/14 2014 - 9:30-12:30 & 1:00-4:00 - $300

To register, click here.

Last Day DVI Kickstarter

October 24, 2014

We are very happy to announce the DVI Kickstarter for their first online-class is fully funded! A very special thank you to all the backers! The support they have received not only financially but emotionally through your comments and letters has been truly inspiring and motivating to us all. The DVI does have other landmarks, the next one of which is a second course, so any additional funds that come in are more than welcome and will help them create even more great content.
Shadow Box Demo From NJ Art Education Conference
If more donations come in, but the second landmark is not met, they will use the funds to create a few shorter educational videos about different ways to use skill-based training in classrooms K-12. These will be posted for free to the public on their recently started YouTube channel which can be found by clicking here. The Kickstarter ends this Saturday at 7:28pm. They already have some ideas for these including a video on how to construct a low budget and collapsible controlled light box for classroom use, an image of which you can see here in this picture from the NJ educational conference they went to earlier this month.

To view the Kickstarter or to donate, click here.

The Uncanny Exhibition

October 23, 2014

The Proposal by David Gluck
October 3 - 31, 2014

SR Brennen Galleries - 124 West Palace Avenue, Santa Fe, NM, 87501

Former ARC International Salon Winners Teresa Oaxaca, David Gluck, and Katherine Stone take viewers on a journey to the mysterious side of the creative mind. Freed of devotion to observational truth and inspired instead by the meanderings of the mind, these paintings force the viewer into a world that is "uncomfortably strange".

To see more on this and other exhibitions, please click here.

11th Annual International ARC Salon Competition

October 22, 2014

We started accepting entries to the 2014/2015 International ARC Salon Competition on October 1st.

Participants will compete for recognition, cash prizes, and a chance to have their work seen by some of the more than 5,000,000 annual visitors to the ARC website, as well as in other reputable venues.
For the first time we will be having a live exhibition of some of the winners and finalists at the MEAM (Museum of European Art Modern), a museum dedicated to contemporary realism in Barcelona, Spain. Also, for the first time, we are offering an exhibition at a top New York City gallery. Rehs Contemporary Galleries, Inc., New York City, NY will select a group of approximately 15 finalists who will be asked to supply the gallery with additional images. From those finalists, the gallery will choose 4 - 6 artists for a group show to be held at their gallery on 57th Street either late 2015 or early 2016. Also, Streamline Art Video will award one finalist a showcase as a key featured part of a DVD on the ARC Salon.
The ARC Salon will also have press coverage in at least six magazines and two newspapers; Fine Art Connoisseur Magazine will be publishing an article on the top winners of the 2014-2015 ARC Salon as well as select a finalist for a featured article. In addition, Plein Air Magazine, American Art Collector Magazine, Western Art Collector Magazine, American Fine Art Magazine, and International Artist Magazine will all be giving out awards as well. This year Brandon Kralik will be writing an article on the 2014/2015 ARC Salon for the Huffington Post and ARC Director of Operations, Kara Lysandra Ross, will write an article on the top winners for the Epoch Times, a large international newspaper that publishes in 19 languages.

To read the prospectus and enter the competition, please click here.

Sculpture Victorious: Art in an Age of Invention, 1837-1901

October 21, 2014

Detail of Dame Alice Owen
by George Frampton
This exhibition, the first of its kind, examines the making and viewing of sculpture in Britain and its empire during the reign of Queen Victoria.

The display features figure and relief sculptures in marble, bronze, silver, and wood, along with gems, cameos, and porcelain.

The exhibit runs until November 30, 2014 at the Yale Center for British Art.

For more information, please click here.

Studio Incamminati Open House

October 20, 2014

See Studio Incamminati firsthand at Open House. Learn about the Professional Program and talk to representatives from Chestnut Hill College, Studio Incamminat's partner in the new Integrated Art Studio major. For those who want to sample both campuses, the college is also holding its Open House on Oct. 25.

There will be live painting demonstrations by faculty, alumni and students and guided tours including the private on-site faculty studios.

340 North 12th St., Philadelphia, PA

The First Element Earth by John Rowe
To view more about this and other events, please click here.

BACAA Workshops

October 17, 2014

Skeleton by Dan Thompson
The Bay Area Classical Artist Atelier will be hosting a number of exciting workshops, classes and open model sessions in the winter of 2015. A few highlights are as follows:

Daytime portrait drawing and painting classes taught by Linda Dulaney on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday with evening classes taught by Noah Buchanan and Chris Petrocchi. Weekend workshops taught by Sean Cheetham and Tony Pro. Noah Buchanan and Linda Dulaney will be presenting Artistic Lecture of the Cadaver at Stanford University. In addition, Dan Thompson will lead an Intensive structure and anatomy workshop at BACAA and Stanford, January 26-30, 2015.

For more information about these workshops and to register, please click here.

New ARC Associate Living Master™

October 16, 2014

John Rowe has created work for such companies as Disney, National Geographic, and Harper Collins, along with numerous private and public commissions.

“A great painting much like a great movie, book or song stirs the emotions of its viewer. It touches memories, expectations, feelings and thoughts inside them and it brings these to the surface. I feel that the more honestly I can access and focus on my human feelings while creating a painting the greater chance I have of connecting with someone else. My work is an attempt to look within in order to reach out to others.”

The First Element Earth by John Rowe
To view his gallery on ARC, please click here.

Please Donate Just $1

October 15, 2014

Greater amounts are of course welcome, but even a $1 donation will help the DVI Kickstarter come up with greater frequency within Kickstarter Searches. If even a small portion of our subscribers were to donate $1 we would easily fund this Kickstarter campaign. We need your help.
The Da Vinci Initiative has started a major fundraising campaign through Kickstarter to bring skill-based training in the visual arts to public schools K-12. Teaching realist based art skills such as those implemented by Da Vinci and Michelangelo not only aligns with current educational research that other subjects currently embrace, but it also enhances the number of choices students can make when creating their own work.

To view the Kickstarter project and video or to donate, click here.

The Da Vinci Initiative is officially endorsed by the Washington Art Education Association.

Igor 9th Annual Exhibition

October 14, 2014

The 9th Annual Exhibition of the International Guild of Realism will be hosted by Robert Lange Studios and unveil 75 artworks from 70 award winning artists from around the world. IGOR has been an exclusive artist organization for over ten years and have over 500 juried professional artist members from over 35 countries.

Among the artists exhibiting are ARC Living Masters™ David Bowers and Vala Ola, ARC Associate Living Masters™ Don Clapper, Ed Copley, Mary Jane Q Cross, Jon Boe Paulsen, and James Van Fossan, as well as many former ARC Salon finalists.

Rosibel by James Van Fossan
To learn more about this other exhibits, please click here.

Florence Academy of Art - USA Academy

October 13, 2014

Starting January 2015, the Florence Academy New York Metro will offer a full time Certificate program in Drawing & Painting with places for 20 students.

Intensive workshops begin in March. Academic Director, Jordan Sokol, and principal instructors, Amaya Gurpide and Richard Greathouse, are all painters trained in the philosophy, language of instruction, and methodology guiding the Florence studio.

Drawing by Amaya Gurpide, Principal Instructor at The Florence Academy of Art New York Metro Branch
Exchanges between the Florence, Mölndal and the Jersey City studios will be frequent during the academic year. Students and faculty will travel between branches to spend a trimester or year studying abroad without experiencing any difference whatsoever in methodology, curriculum or teaching style. This offers students from the U.S. an important opportunity to experience Florence and Mölndal, live among its architectural masterpieces, and visit the museums and galleries important to the classical tradition. At the same time, thanks to our university status, Florence Academy students will earn U.S. college credit for their coursework done at any of our three locations.
for information and details on how to apply.

Click here to download the pdf.

Da Vinci Initiative Kickstarter in Epoch Times

October 10, 2014

"It's no secret that art instruction in public schools is hurting-not only for funding, but for applicable skills.

The problem often starts at the top. Students may have the desire to learn to draw, but their teachers are at a loss as to how to help them.

'On several occasions, art teachers who have taken a workshop with me have burst into tears, explaining that they always wanted to learn how to draw and paint at a high level, but didn't know how to go about it,' art educator Mandy Hallenius wrote in an email..."

To read the full article, please click here.

To view the Kickstarter and donate, click here.

New ARC Allied Organization™

October 9, 2014

Suggested Donation is a series of podcasts devoted to the arts in all forms. Hosted by two Contemporary Realist painters, Tony Curanaj and Edward Minoff, the conversations provide an insight into the creative mind. By speaking with both traditional and non-traditional artists and craftsmen, curators and restorers, they create a dialog through which we discover common ground across disciplines and spaces united by a love of and deep devotion to skill. Suggested Donation's aim is to alter the very landscape of the contemporary art world one conversation at a time, including discussions with other contemporary artists who place a lesser value on technical skill, even outsourcing the production of their art, to explore the foundations of this phenomenon with open debate and discussion. In their talks with artists in the Contemporary Realist vein, they will delve into the fine distinctions that define each of us as individuals and promote connoisseurship amongst their listeners.
Illudium PU 36 Explosive Space Modulator by Tony Curanaj
To learn more about this and our other Allied Organizations, please click here.

Epoch Times Reports on 2013/2014 ARC Salon

October 8, 2014

Bacchanal by Nick Alm
“Every year the Art Renewal Center, a non-profit educational foundation dedicated to the re-appreciation of traditional art and training techniques, hosts a prestigious international painting and sculpting competition. With an approximate 2,200 entries this year by over 1,000 artists, the Art Renewal Center’s 2013/2014 Salon Competition was more competitive than ever. They accepted 685 finalists, which were the top 31 percent of works submitted. They have given out 14 purchase awards, the value of the paintings totaling over $140,000. This is in addition to the over $40,000 in cash prizes...”
- Kara Lysandra Ross
To read the rest of the article, please click here.

We are also currently accepting entries to the 2014/2015 ARC Salon, this year with a live exhibition of some of the works.

To view the new prospectus and new awards, click here.

New ARC Living Artist™

October 7, 2014

Charlene Helfend Lane's first heroes were the traditional artists she saw in books and museums. Winning an art award at the age of nine confirmed her desire to be an artist. However, life brought her a different experience. As a young woman she married and created a beautiful family. It was only when her children went to school that she began the quest of developing her art education. To her disappointment, the skills necessary to achieve the beautiful images she hoped to create were not being taught. It seemed as if the art world had succumbed to strange images that lacked visual understanding. That was highlighted when in a college art class she was critiqued by her contemporaries as painting "too pretty". She was told that "art had to be tough and different".
The Birthday Cake
by Charlene Helfend Lane
To view her gallery on ARC, click here.

Opportunity to Study with Max Ginsburg

October 6, 2014

Unemployed On Line by Max Ginsburg
ARC Living Master™ Max Ginsburg will be conducting a 5-day Traditional Realist Alla Prima Oil Painting from Life workshop in his personal studio.
9am to 4 pm - Paint the live model, with demos, and critiques with Max.
4pm to 5pm - Max will discuss the concepts, procedures and development of his large multi-figure paintings including “War Pieta”, and “Unemployed On Line”, and “Foreclosure”, all of which are on view in the studio.

October 13th - 17th, 2014
5 days, Monday thru Friday
For more information or to register, please contact Maria Amor at 646-705-3833 or email

DVI Kickstarter in the Huffington Post

October 3, 2014

"The stone has been thrown. The splash is being made and as the repercussions arc across the surface of the representational revolution, they are intercepted as inspiration, as ideas, and The Da Vinci Initiative is capitalizing on them. Everybody has them, these ideas that surface from the student's questions, formed from their longing and quiet desperation to make something of the talents that they KNOW lay within!"

- Brandon Kralik
To read the full article, click here.

To view the Kickstarter, click here.

ARC International 2014-2015 Salon Competition Begins!!

October 2, 2014

This will be our 11th annual competition in which some of the best contemporary realist artists in the world compete for recognition, cash prizes, and a chance to have their work seen by some of the more than 5,000,000 annual visitors to the ARC website, as well as in other reputable venues.
For the first time we will be having a live exhibition of some of the winners and finalists at the MEAM (Museum of European Art Modern), a museum dedicated to contemporary realism in Barcelona, Spain. Also, for the first time, we are offering an exhibition at a top New York City gallery. Rehs Contemporary Galleries, Inc., New York City, NY will select a group of approximately 15 finalists who will be asked to supply the gallery with additional images. From those finalists, the gallery will choose 4 - 6 artists for a group show to be held at their gallery on 57th Street either late 2015 or early 2016. Also, Streamline Art Video will award one finalist a showcase as a key featured part of a DVD on the ARC Salon.
The ARC Salon will also have press coverage in at least six magazines and two newspapers; Fine Art Connoisseur Magazine will be publishing an article on the top winners of the 2014-2015 ARC Salon as well as select a finalist for a featured article. In addition, Plein Air Magazine, American Art Collector Magazine, Western Art Collector Magazine, American Fine Art Magazine, and International Artist Magazine will all be giving out awards as well. This year Brandon Kralik will be writing an article on the 2014/2015 ARC Salon for the Huffington Post and ARC Director of Operations, Kara Lysandra Ross, will write an article on the top winners for the Epoch Times, a large international newspaper that publishes in 19 languages.

To view the full prospectus, click here.

Congratulations to Jon Boe Paulsen

October 1, 2014

ARC would like to congratulate ARC Associate Living Master™ Jon Boe Paulsen for winning first place in the 10th Artavita art contest. His winning work will be exhibited at World Wide Art, Los Angeles at the Los Angeles Convention Center from October 16 - 19, 2014.

For more information on this and other events, please click here.

Dead Ringer by Jon Boe Paulsen

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