March 2023
Lyme Academy Sculptors’ Retreat
Published on March 30, 2023
Visit the ARC Approved Lyme Academy of Fine Arts Instagram page for the Sculptors’ Retreat from March 31st - April 2nd. Numerous nationally and internationally renowned sculptors will be participating in a weekend retreat. This gathering is unique in the national sculptor’s ecosystem and it will be an exciting opportunity to introduce the Lyme Academic community to this accomplished group of artists, including living master sculptors.
Although this event is not open to the public, images from the retreat will be shared on Instagram.
Please stay tuned @lymeacademy #lymesculptorsretreat

TAFA Spring Salon Show
Published on March 29, 2023
The Texas Academy of Figurative Art is holding their spring salon of student and faculty artworks. The Spring Salon is an exhibition of contemporary realist works that range from classical Old Master copies and cast drawings, to original still life painting, portrait and figurative works.
The exhibition runs from March 25 – May 15, 2023 at Texas Academy of Figurative Art, 415 S Main St., Fort Worth, TX.
To learn more, click here.
For more events and exhibitions, please click here.

BACAA Workshops in the UK
Published on March 24, 2023
Study at the Ashmolean Museum Oxford UK with two American Master Artists.
Choose one or both.
BACAA/Jon deMartin The Elements of Classical Drawing the Human Figure:
June 23-June 30, 2023
• This workshop will concentrate on drawing the figure in the mediums and techniques that are consistent with the Renaissance, Baroque and 18th century traditions.
• This workshop will emphasize the importance of drawing as the root of all classical art.
• Two London Museum visits with Lectures by the Master Artist.
• Opportunity to draw in the Ashmolean Museum Print Room (Michelangelo and Raphael’s drawings).
• Opportunity to draw in the Ashmolean Cast Gallery (Greek and Roman).
BACAA/Devin Cecil-Wishing The Luminous Still Life Still Life Painting Workshop:
July 8-July 14, 2023
• This workshop will use still life as a vehicle to discuss light, students will be guided step by step, over the course of five days, through the process of creating a beautifully luminous still life painting.
• After each demo or lecture, students will work to create their own paintings and the instructor will move around the room giving one-on-one critiques to each student.
• London Museum visits with Lectures by the Master Artist.
• Opportunity to explore and draw in the Ashmolean Museum form the amazing collections.

PoetsArtists Prize 2023 16th Arc Salon Publication
Published on March 24, 2023
PoetsArtists has published a commemorative catalogue of the artworks chosen by eminent Art Advisor, writer, speaker, and former Chief Curator from the IBEX Collection, Kiki Kim. The catalogue features 10 artists and includes the artwork chosen by Ms. Kim as well as commentary about the work. The catalogue is available in digital format and as a download from the PoetsArtists website. A print-on-demand edition is also be available.
To view the catalogue, click here.

Katsu Nakajima Solo Exhibition - Realism with Gold
Published on March 23, 2023
ARC Living Master℠ Katsu Nakajima is holding his largest solo exhibition to date. A total of 80 works will be exhibited, including 20 large works, as well as small portraits, landscapes, still lifes and drawings.
On May 20th, there will be a gallery talk and demonstration of applying gold leaf.
The exhibition runs from March 30 – June 27, 2023 at IKEDA Museum of 20th Century Art, 614 Totari, Itō, Shizuoka 414-0052, Japan.
For more information, please click here.
To see more events and exhibitions, please visit the ARC Calendar.

Richard Lack Video Published by SBA
Published on March 22, 2023
Skill-Based Art: A Learning Resource for Art Students & Artist-Teachers, founded and directed by Emilio Longo, have recently published a video which documents the late Minnesotan artist-teacher, Richard Lack, receiving a book of appreciation from his former students.
Watching the video, insight is given into the impact that Mr. Lack had on disseminating academic drawing and painting instruction throughout the latter part of the 20th century in Minnesota. Through his combined efforts in teaching and his own painting, Mr. Lack has touched the lives of countless traditional painters around the world who came to adopt his style of realist painting which Mr. Lack termed “Classical Realism.”
The video features footage of Mr. Lack receiving the book of appreciation whilst surrounded by several of his students. At the conclusion of the video, each page of the book is presented which includes a personal statement written by several of Mr. Lack’s past students and some examples of their paintings.
The video can be viewed here:

AdA – Joke Frima Atelier school - Apprenticeship Program
Published on March 17, 2023
Immersive 3-month courses with renewable enrolment
The teaching is based on drawing, then progresses to oil painting, and aims for a level of excellence in contemporary classical realist art. Teaching is personalized, adjusted in consultation with the student, and according to their level. These apprenticeships are aimed at serious and motivated students who are aiming for a career as a professional artist.
CONTACT - Vissingy 58120 Chaumard, France
Internationally renown Dutch artist Joke Frima has lived in France for 25 years, where she has now created an atelier-school on a human scale. At the age of 24, Joke joined the Studio of Signorina Nerina Simi in Florence, where she progressed rapidly and remained for eight years. And now, in turn, Joke would like to pass on some of her knowledge. She’s founded a society, and bought and renovated a school nestled in the green hills of Burgundy, that is now ready to welcome six new apprentices.
The training, rigorous while encouraging personal style, is based on three-month courses. Enrolment is renewable, with the option of following the complete AdA course over three years. Other artists are occasionally invited to teach. Students can stay on site.
Situated in an idyllic hamlet, 1km from one of the most beautiful lakes of the Morvan regional park, the AdA school is a small studious yet friendly artists’ colony. Built around transmission, life, and shared development.

Rising Voices 2
Published on March 16, 2023
Unleashing a bolt of artistic energy into the Philadelphia art scene, Rising Voices 2 features over 40 realist paintings by some of the nation’s most promising women artists. The exhibition features the finalists for the 2021 Bennett Prize, a major national competition for women realist painters, and a solo exhibition of the work of Aneka Ingold, winner of the 2019 Bennett Prize.
The exhibition will be on view from March 16 – May 14, 2023, free of charge, at Studio Incamminati, 1901 S 9th St, BOK 7th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19148.
For more information, please click here.
For more events and exhibitions, please visit the ARC Calendar.

New ARC Associate Living Master℠
Published on March 9, 2023
ARC is pleased to welcome Mary Kay West as our newest Associate Living Master℠!
Mary Kay is a native of Asheville, North Carolina. She was encouraged from the earliest age to express her creative and artistic nature and began painting under the guidance of her mother, a watercolor artist. But other interests in psychology and eastern thought led her to pursue a career in Clinical and Educational Psychology and later Yoga Instruction and Yoga Therapy. It wasn't until 2003 that her life as an artist began when she was admitted to the Fine Arts League of Asheville with Master Artist Ben Long. She completed studies in classical drawing and painting in 2007 and moved to California to paint full time. Mary Kay specializes in sharp focus still life, birds, and more recently trompe l'oeil. Her work has been described as timeless, vibrant and masterful. Her work can be seen in American Legacy Fine Arts, Pasadena, Classic Art Gallery in Carmel and Portico Gallery in Santa Barbara California as well as the permanent collection at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum in Wisconsin. She currently lives and works in Guadalupe, California and teaches painting classes in Los Alamos, California.
To see her gallery on ARC, please click here.

Pastels From Millet to Redon
Published on March 8, 2023
Pastels From Millet to Redon will revolve around eight major themes highlighting the revival of pastel from the second half of the 19th century. The exhibition will display the evolution of pastels from the continuance of portraiture from the 18th century, to landscapes, images of social transformation, and to the chimerical visions of symbolist artists. Among the artists whose work will be honored are Millet, Degas, Lévy-Dhurmer, Redon, Mary Cassatt, and many other pastel artists.
The exhibition runs from March 14 to July 2, 2023 at the Musee D’Orsay, 7 Quai Anatole France, Paris, 70057.
For more information, click here.
For more events and exhibitions, please visit the ARC Calendar.

Sublime Ideas: Drawings by Giovanni Battista Piranesi
Published on March 7, 2023
Giovanni Battista Piranesi was primarily known for his etchings, but he was also an accomplished and versatile draftsman.
The Morgan Library holds the largest and most important collection of Piranesi’s drawings, well over 100 works that encompass his early architectural capricci, studies for prints, measured design drawings, sketches for a range of decorative objects, a variety of figural drawings, and views of Rome and Pompeii. These form the core of the exhibition, which will also include rare loans from a number of private collections. The exhibition will be the most comprehensive look at Piranesi’s drawings in more than a generation.
The exhibition takes place at the Morgan Library, 225 Madison Avenue, NY, NY 10016 from March 10 – June 4, 2023.
To learn more, please click here.
Visit the ARC Calendar for more events and exhibitions.

Robert Liberace Workshop
Published on March 2, 2023
ARC Living Master℠ Robert Liberace will be teaching a two-week studio workshop in Dedham Vale, one of the UK’s Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, about an hour from London. Rob, internationally known for his inspiring and informative teaching style, will cover drawing with red chalk, trois crayon, and ink; and painting in oil, in both a limited palette and with a modern, highly chromatic alla prima approach. The group will have opportunities to paint plein air and will take two excursions to one of London’s museum Print and Drawing rooms and a private tour through Sir Alfred Munnings’ Museum and home studio.
For more information please visit:

Call for Enrolment - AdA Apprenticeship Program
Published on March 1, 2023
The apprenticeship is based on drawing before approaching oil painting, and aims for a level of excellence in contemporary classical realist art. The support is individual, adjusted in consultation with the student according to their level. These apprenticeships are aimed at serious and motivated students who are aiming for a career as a professional artist.
The rigorous training is based on three-month internships, with renewable registration and with the possibility of following the complete AdA course over three years. Other artists occasionally intervene to teach. Students can stay on site.
Located in an idyllic hamlet, 1km from one of the most beautiful lakes in the regional natural park, the AdA school is a small colony of artists, studious, built around transmission, life, and shared development.
CONTACT - Vissingy 58120 Chaumard, France