Bouguereau Pietà at the Legion of Honor in San Francisco

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Bouguereau Pietà at the Legion of Honor in San Francisco


Published on before 2005

Without seeing live who knows for sure, although the navel may not be placed "too high" but PERHAPS not enough abdominal concavity for the attitude and gesture which naturally increases the appearence of a raised navel - see Michelangelo's Rome Pietà. I tend to believe that a master such as Bouguereau doesn't make such glaring "mistakes" ... it's fairly obvious that he had complete and total command of anatomy. At any rate, this figure being discussed in this work has Michelangelo and Bernini (St Sebastian) written all over it. If masters such as Bouguereau and Michelangelo and Bernini allow themselves the good sense of allowing tradition to influence certain aspects of their work ...
