I stumbled onto your website while searching the net for images of "figures." I'm an art instructor in Utah for Dixie State College, and I think your site is truly amazing. I teach the "classical approach" to drawing and painting, having learned the hard way (years of experience in the real world) that drawing and painting well is more the result of effort, attitude, skills, and your own unique vision of the world you see than the "tricks of the trade." The fundamentals taught over the ages exist for a reason, they produce consistant results for anyone willing to put in the time and effort to learn them (talent not required, just the desire to learn). Fine art seems to have taken a back seat to modern methods that are slick and fast, which sell, but are far less enduring in nature and less satisfying in the long run. Thank you for giving us all a place to come to for the enjoyment of the timeless art of the masters.