Letter to ARC

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Letter to ARC


Published before 2005

I just wanted to write you to let you know how your website has changed my life dramatically.

Unfortunately, I turned down my father's wishes for me to attend formal art training after I graduated high school. Foolishly, I thought I knew better and joined the Marine Corps over thirty years ago. I spent seven years in the Corps and several of those years I worked as a combat illustrator. It was then the artist in me was born. I've worked on military aircraft in the field of avionics ever since because I was too afraid to let go of a comfortable income and living. Now... I'm looking at retirement from civilian federal service within four years and, like never before, I have a sense of urgency and feel as though I'm driven to immerse myself in the wonderful world of art. I am entirely self-taught and have been accepted at galleries before but I feel totally different from all the artists that I've come into contact with. Here in Utah and other places I'm sure, I see a lot of painterly, almost abstract approaches to figurative and landscape work that I can't seem to allow myself to duplicate. While some have been fascinated and complimentary toward my style, many others say that I should completely destroy or tear down my technique and start over with the hint of form and a "slight" tendency toward realism that might make my work more saleable. I couldn't seem to find my place or niche in the art world until I came upon your website.

I will not tear down or destroy my technique but instead, start completely over and delve deeply into the world of old time tested methods of the masters. I am now fifty years of age and have no idea of how many years the good Lord has in mind for me but whatever time is left I will devote myself to the wonderful world of classical realism. By finding your site and reading all the wonderful information you impart, I learned of an atelier right here in Salt Lake City, Utah owned and taught by one of the most wonderful living masters I could have been so graced to have met.... Kamille Corry. Just the other day, I was accepted to start training at her academy and I only wish I could tell you how excited I am to have discovered such a place to study the traditions of academic application. I realize everything will be truly labor intensive for me but it suits my personality perfectly... thirty years around the military has made me realize that nothing worth achieving will never be rewarded without discipline and dedication to a cause worth preserving. I'm thick-skinned and look forward to integral critiques that I know will come from a dedicated, patient and understanding master like Kamille. When I first walked into her atelier, I gazed upon all the wonderful student artwork displayed on her walls and ended up experiencing something that is really hard to describe. I've never been one to believe much in reincarnation but I felt as if someone inside of me came home and that I was supposed to have been in this environment all along. I really had to resist overwhelming emotions and fought back tears... tears of sheer excitement but more for remorse of having wasted so many years of my life in running after the most trivial, useless pursuits... a chasing of the wind!

It was your site that introduced me to the wonderful world of what art has really been all along... classical and beautiful. I just want to thank you for keeping a light on for all artists everywhere... welcoming us back through a portal of time. My world has definitely changed for the better now and the latter will be more exciting than the first.

Sincerely from the bottom of my heart ...
David Camp