Letter to ARC

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Letter to ARC


Published before 2005

Dear Fred Ross,

I have been a very avid visitor of your site since its inception.

I have had some art training earlier on in my life but my current profession is not related to art. I have very much given up on art, which seemed to me a silly form of expression with the likes of Pollock and Matisse. However, when I first saw your site, it changed my life. Never have I imagined that there are so many beautiful paintings and never have I heard of Bouguereau. I have been lied to.

Thanks to your site, my weekends are now totally lost :-) I labour at painting (at my page below) with whatever time I have left in an attempt to catch up with all those lost years. I am sadly not been very successful but whenever I see the beauty that Bouguereau and other 19C artists have created, I am aspired over and over again.

Thank you for such a great site.

John Ng