Letter to ARC

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Letter to ARC


Published before 2005

Hello. I just found your website and it is the answer to a prayer. I do have one comment, however. In the text of your site you repeatedly reference "young artists" in their pursuit of artistic careers. What about us old artists who want to learn because we are passionate about it? I am about to take early retirement from a career as an administrator in higher education. After I retire at 55, my goal is to find an affordable school where I can immerse myself in an intensive program of realistic drawing and painting. I am looking for an atelier-type of environment where I can improve my skills using traditional methodologies (plaster cast drawing, strong figure emphasis, etc.). I'm hoping to find a school within a reasonable driving distance of my home in Denver, Colorado. I am also hoping to find a place where the cost of living is moderate. (Something near Portland, OR would be great because I have family there.) If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to send them along. In the meantime, I will enjoy looking at the ateliers listed on your site.
