Letter to ARC

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Letter to ARC


Published before 2005

Hello: Some time back I read on your site where you were planning on publishing a comprehensive book of Bouguereau's work. I would like to know if this is still being planned, and if so, when would it be available to purchase. I am amazed by his work, and thanks to your website, have discovered many other artists that fascinate me as well. There is one Bouguereau work in our local museum, the J. B. Speed Museum, in Louisville, KY. I have visited the museum many times just to look upon this one painting. Please keep up the great work.

Thank you,

[ Dear Mark,

The Bouguereau catalogue raisonné is due to be published in roughly 18 months. It will include information on all of the artist's 826 known paintings, as well as most of the 600 page biography written by Damien Bartoli, with the introducion by ARC Chairman, Fred Ross, who is also the President of the Bouguereau Committee. Every painting by William Bouguereau that comes up for auction mentions both the names of Bartoli and Ross, as world experts on the artist, in their catalogue entries.

-- ARC Editor ]
Thank you,

[ Dear Mark,

The Bouguereau catalogue raisonné is due to be published in roughly 18 months. It will include information on all of the artist's 826 known paintings, as well as most of the 600 page biography written by Damien Bartoli, with the introducion by ARC Chairman, Fred Ross, who is also the President of the Bouguereau Committee. Every painting by William Bouguereau that comes up for auction mentions both the names of Bartoli and Ross, as world experts on the artist, in their catalogue entries.

-- ARC Editor ]