My name is Jennifer Pitt (from England) - I don't know if you remember but I emailed you some time ago asking about English atelier schools. You put me in touch with your Executive Director of Programs, who in turn put me in touch with Catherine Ingleby. Many things have happened since then which I thought you might be interested to hear about.
I went to London to do the summer course in sight size with Catherine, which was wonderful. I have attached to two drawings I produced. I am very proud of them. Catherine studied at the Charles H. Cecil studios, and told both me and my Dad a lot about it. In fact she recommended it so highly that my Dad decided to take me out to Italy to have a look at this school, and also The Florence Academy and The Michael John Angel Studios. Being out there was a dream come true for me as you an imagine! It felt good to be surrounded by like-minded people for a change.
I was lucky enough to meet Charles Cecil, who was very impressed with the work I showed him, and even said that I would be top of his list to be accepted in the school! I am now getting my application ready and am looking to start next October.
Like I said, this is all a dream come true for me, so I would like to send a huge thank-you to you for helping me get in touch with these people and get the ball rolling. It means a lot to me.
Once again, thank-you.