Gabriel Schwaab

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Gabriel Schwaab

Aged 23

The Florence Academy of Art

Instructor(s): Mitch Shea, Maudie Brady, Eirik Arnesen, Thor Larsen, Ola Alaa El-din, Chase Heinke, Sandeep Krishnan, Jana Buettner, Dasha Belokrylova

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Charcoal on hand-toned paper

29 1/2 x 11 3/4 ins (75 x 30 cms)


Charcoal on hand-toned paper

33 1/4 x 15 1/2 ins (85 x 40 cms)


Charcoal on hand-toned paper

29 1/2 x 11 3/4 ins (75 x 30 cms)

Charcoal Drawing

Charcoal on rey Fabriano paper

23 1/2 x 11 3/4 ins (60 x 30 cms)



35 1/4 x 11 3/4 ins (90 x 30 x 20 cms)



35 1/4 x 11 3/4 ins (90 x 30 x 20 cms)



35 1/4 x 11 3/4 ins (90 x 30 x 20 cms)



13 3/4 x 7 3/4 ins (35 x 20 x 30 cms)


Charcoal on hand-toned paper

80 x 30 ins (203.2 x 76.2 cms)

Work in progress on Nico


35 1/4 x 11 3/4 ins (90 x 30 x 20 cms)

I had the chance to grow up in a family with an artistic side, of which l am very proud : my grandfather was musician, my great-grandfather Gustave Michel was a sculptor and my great-grandmother a painter. So I always evolved in an environment where art was more or less present without being aware that it was already a form of learning to art.

We will talk about my evolution through my schooling and then about the objectives created by it.

My relationship to education has drastically changed in my 23 years of existence. I lived the traditional school path (primary, middle, high school) in a very unpleasant way, learning lessons was not my thing for my young me. All I knew was that i enjoyed drawing.

The beginning of my higher studies in art at the Emile Cohl School in Lyon confirmed my love for art. I learned illustration, animation, storytelling, composition and above all : a beginning of sculture. I realized at this moment that more than drawing, sculture would be central in my life. So when I decided to join the Florence Academy of Art and to devote myself entirely to sculpture, the term « learning » took a completely different turn. I no longer have this claustrophobic feeling of being in school, every day is a challenge with myself, to try to surpass myself. Learning takes  a whole new dimension, and has become essential today : I think that as an artist learning is the work of a lifetime.

One of my goals is to touch and impress people through my sculptures, in the same way as I am with the works of great masters and great artists. And for this I know that I want to sculpt all my life because this is where I feel at my place and especially, I would like to be able to represent and interpret all the specificities that the human body has to offer, in particular the male figure.

Secondly, I would like to open a gallery to promote myself and my contemporaries. In the end I simply hope to put more academic art forward, which in my opinion is not enough appreciate to its true value today. 

In conclusion I would like to say that I feel at the right place here to study drawing and sculpture. My motivation to learn and to achieve my goals continues to grows. With this work of curiosity and rigor I hope that I can reach my goals.

My name is Gabriel Schwaab, I was born in France in 1998, in a village called La Roche-Blanche. I am a young sculpter currently studuying in The Florence Academy of Art.

Until middle school my education remains classic, but knowing that i have always loved drawing, I decided to specialize in a graphic art high school.

After high school at 18, I decided to do a licence in art at the Emile Cohl School in Lyon. It is a school of illustration and 2d animation where I learn drawing techniques and also a beginning of sculpture.

Throughout the three year of licence, I realize that the little academic art I did touched me and inspired me much more than illustration. Once I graduate from this school of illustration, the choice was obvious : I wanted to and had to learn painting and academic sculpture. 

I decide to apply to the Florence Academy of Art and in 2020 I had the chance to be accepted.

Despite my passion for sculpture, I first started the drawing and painting program and in parallel I made sculpture portraits in the evening. I finally decided in 2021 to change to the sculpture program where I immediately felt more fulfilled. 

I am currently in the 2nd year of sculpture and I intend to finish the program until the end.