9th ARC Scholarship (2008)

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The ARC Scholarship Fund increases to $30,000 in direct scholarships to aid students at ARC Approved™ art academy and atelier schools

The Art Renewal Center® is very pleased to announce the winners of the 2008 Annual Scholarship Competition. Now in its eighth year, the ARC Scholarship program has helped students from all over the world continue their studies at ARC Approved™ Ateliers and Schools. With $21,500 in scholarships awarded so far this year,the Scholarship committee is reviewing applicants with the hope of awarding the remainder of the funds in the next few weeks. The ARC has awarded over $100,000 in Scholarships to art students, and we are scheduled to give out another $30,000 this year. The ARC strives to ensure that current and future generations of artists receive proper instruction in the traditional and classical methods of representational art.

This year we have increased the number of scholarships available, through the donations of many of our members and through the continued financial support from a sponsor of the classical tradition. We very much appreciate their support for this year's scholarship recipients and look forward to working together in the future to assist more promising students in their education. We plan to award another total of $30,000 in scholarships in in the 2009 contest as well.

This Year's Judges

Daniel Gerhartz: ARC Living Master™, Daniel began his art education at the American Academy of Art in Chicago where he studied in the classical tradition and immersed himself in applications of technique and design. After a brief stint in commercial art, he began pursuing fine art; visiting museums to study master works and painting alongside contemporary artists. His work has been featured in solo and group shows across the country and has won several awards at prominent national invitational exhibitions and his work has been collected both nationally and internationally. Daniel's painting Hind's Feet was the first place winner of the first ARC Salon competition in 2004.

Gregory S. Hedberg: Director of the Department of European Art at Hirschl & Adler Galleries in Manhattan. Gregory has curated some of the finest and most successful exhibitions with the entire art world taking notice of H&A's policy of "Exhibitions of Realist Artists Only". Greg received his BA in Art History from Princeton University and his PH.D from New York University. He is the former, Chief Curator of the Wadsworth Atheneum, and was the first professional Director of the New York Academy of Art.

Fred Ross: Current Chairman of Art Renewal Center® and well-known collector of 19th century European and Victorian paintings. Mr. Ross has achieved the reputation of being one of two acknowledged world experts on William Bouguereau and is the current President of the Bouguereau Committee. Fred received his MA in Art Education from Columbia University. Widely published, his advice and scholarship is currently sought after by museums, galleries, collectors, art historians and all the major auction houses.

This Year's Winners

First Place, with honoraria of $4,000 have been awarded to three promising young students, Justin Balliet, age 25 from The Waichulis Studio of Mocanaqua, Pennsylvania, Andrea Mosley, age 23 from the Angel Academy of Art, and Joshua LaRock, age 25 from Water Street Atelier.

Timothy Jahn, Director of Academy duCret said of Mr. Balliet, "Justin has been more than the ideal student. In order to achieve the highest level of skill and my deepest respect, he has demonstrated outstanding technical proficiency and maintained a clear sense of purpose." Of Andrea Moskey, Lynne Barton of the Angel Academy of Art said "She is one of our most promising students and we feel that she has a great career ahead of her." Jacob Collins, Director of Water Street Atelier said of Joshua LaRock that "He continues to forge ahead, and he is the rare student that truly intuitively understands how to pace his studies and just calmly pushes himself month after month."

The Second Place awards of $2,500, go to two students this year, Carol Broman, age 30 of the Water Street Atelier, Teresa Oaxaca, age 20, attends the Angel Academy of Art in Florence, Italy.

Winning the Third Place prize of $1,500 are Hyeseung Marriage-Song, age 30, of Water Street Atelier, and David Gluck, age 28.

The Fourth Place prizes of $500 this year were awarded to three students, Omar Rodriguez, age 26, of The Waichulis Studio of Mocanaqua, Pennsylvania, Jesus Villareal, age 24, of the Florence Academy of Art, and Shane Wolf, age 31, of the Angel Academy of Art. One of the judges (Gregory Hedberg) enjoyed Shane's self-portrait so much that he purchased the painting himself after viewing it for the judging.

On behalf of our Chairman, Fred Ross and everyone here at Art Renewal Center® well-deserved congratulations are extended to all of our scholarship recipients. We thank these young talented artists and the fine institutions in which they study for their dedication and upholding of the finest artistic traditions of history and the best hopes of future advancement of the arts, and we wish them continued success on their artistic journeys.


3 First Place Winners - $4,000 ($12,000)

Justin Balliet


Charcoal on paper, 2007

15x11 inches

Instructor: Anthony J. Waichulis

School: Waichulis Studio

Joshua LaRock

Ann Marie

Oil on linen, 2008

28 x 25 inches

Instructor: Jacob Collins

School: Water Street Atelier

Andrea Mosley


Oil on canvas, 2007

100 x 70 cms

Instructor: Michael John Angel

School: Angel Academy of Art, Florence

2 Second Place Winners - $2,500 ($5,000)

Carol Broman


Graphite on paper, 2008

14 x 11 inches

Instructor: Jacob Collins

School: Water Street Atelier

Teresa Oaxaca

The Cauliflower

Oil on cotton canvas, 2008

60 x 47 cms

Instructor: Jered Wosnicki, Michael John Angel, and Martinho Correia

School: Angel Academy of Art, Florence

2 Third Place Winners - $1,500 ($3,000)

Hyeseung Marriage-Song

Grisaille of a Seated Female

Oil on linen, 2008

24 x 20 inches

Instructor: Jacob Collins

School: Water Street Atelier

David Gluck

Portrait of Lucy

Charcoal and carbon, 2008

18 x 14 inches

3 Fourth Place Winners - $500 ($1,500)

Omar Rodriguez

Given Sacrifice

Charcoal on paper, 2006

15 x 18 inches

Instructor: Anthony J. Waichulis

School: Waichulis Studio

Shane Wolf

Shane in the Grand Manner

Oil on canvas, 2008

65 x 55 inches

Instructor: Michael John Angel

School: Angel Academy of Art, Florence

Jesus Villareal


Charcoal on paper, 2007

90 x 45 inches

Instructor: Daniel Graves

School: Atelier Florence Academy of Art