14th ARC Salon Virtual Exhibition on Long-term View at Sotheby’s

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14th ARC Salon Virtual Exhibition on Long-term View at Sotheby’s

Published on August 21, 2020

We are very happy to announce that if you missed seeing the 14th International Virtual ARC Salon Exhibition at Sothebys.com, you are not too late! The entirety of the show including the written interview, virtual walk through space and 70 video interviews with the exhibiting artists are still on view and will remain on view indefinitely. Feel free to take your time and come back again and again to enjoy the totality of the show at your own pace.  The videos come from around the world and collectively form a powerful story of the representational art movement, totaling 2 hours of edited video footage! We have embedded this footage directly into the digital catalog with a two-page spread to each artist, creating a uniquely engaging virtual experience. Each artist is different, each story is different, but together they tell an overarching story about the passion behind representational expression, life, and the human condition as reflected in the art itself.

We are currently accepting entries to the 15th ARC Salon through August 31, 2020, to view the prospectus and enter visit the ARC Salon Entry Pages.