ARC Living Master™ Marie Minifie Lecture and Workshop at the Southern Atelier

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ARC Living Master™ Marie Minifie Lecture and Workshop at the Southern Atelier

February 4, 2009

Lecture, Slide Presentation and Fire-side Chat:
"The Boston School: In the Tradition of Beauty"
Presented by ARC Living Master™ Mary Minifie at
ARC Approved™ The Southern Atelier
Saturday, February 7, 2009
2017 Whitfield Park Drive
Sarasota, Florida 34243
"The original Boston School artists were genteel rebel-idealists who turned their backs on the prevailing trends in American painting and made of their art a quest for timeless principles and classical beauty... The Boston School aesthetic blended sophistication, exacting skill, and draftsmanship with mastery of light and dedication to representing the "truth" of the visible world; it was driven by an earnest faith in the ideal of beauty and in the act of painting as an essentially good and worthy contribution to humanity."- C. Volpe
Join ARC Living Master™ Mary Minifie as she discusses her artistic heritage in a special presentation followed by a fire- side chat at The Southern Atelier.
All are welcome to attend!
Admission: $10

by Edmund Tarbell

The New Necklace
by William Paxton

Classical Portrait Workshop
Instructor: ARC Living Master™ Mary Minifie

February 6-8, 2009
Only a few places are left: Click Here to Register