Barcelona Academy of Art Self Portrait Competition

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Barcelona Academy of Art Self Portrait Competition

Published on March 26, 2020

The Barcelona Academy of Art, like many other art schools around the world, is currently closed in an effort to stop the Covid-19 epidemic. To keep positive in these difficult times and consolidate the bonds of the artistic community, the Barcelona Academy of Art has decided to organize a competition open to all artists who are currently confined at home. Using the materials available to them (drawing, painting, sculpture, digital art) the participants will have to create a self-portrait and send an image (.jpg) of the finished work, accompanied by an explanation of their creative process especially in relation to the quarantine we are all going through.

Send an image (.jpg) of the self-portrait with a text (max. 700 words) explaining the creative process of the work to

The contest is open to all artists over the age of 18.

First prize wins a workshop at the Barcelona Academy of Art, second and third place win prize packages of artistic materials.

The school will share the 10 selected self portraits on their social networks
Instagram: @ barcelona.academyofart
Facebook: @BcnAcademyofArtParticipants can use the hashtag #baaquarantine to share their work in progress.

The contest ends on Monday, April 13, 2020 at 12 p.m.