DVI Officially Endorsed by Washington State

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DVI Officially Endorsed by Washington State

July 25, 2014

The Board of Art Education in the State of Washington, the Washington Art Education Association (WAEA), has just officially endorsed The Da Vinci Initiative. The Da Vinci Initiative has been working closely with the WAEA to provide professional development resources for art teachers, including workshops that introduce atelier training. This year, The Da Vinci Initiative is also sponsoring a weekend retreat for the WAEA that includes a workshop and demonstration. This successful partnership that provides the WAEA with skill-based art education resources led the board to officially endorse The Da Vinci Initiative at their most recent meeting. The Da Vinci Initiative looks forward to building relationships and partnering with additional states to provide quality professional development resources for art teachers across the country.
For interested individuals looking to take workshops geared for art teachers k-12 and to discover an accessible approach to skill-based drawing education, there are limited remaining spaces in the upcoming DVI August workshops. The first workshop will run from 8/4 – 8/8 and the second from 8/11 – 8/15. The courses will be taught by the DVI President, Amanda Hallenius at the Aristides Atelier in Seattle, WA. Both classes qualify for continuing education clock hours.

For more information and to register,
click here.