New Work Added to ARC Salon Exhibition
April 20, 2017
We are pleased to announce that the DVI Award for the Young Aspiring Artist winner, Perception of Self, painted by 15 year old Ray Wanda Totanes, has been purchased by the Art Renewal Center and added to its growing collection of works. This painting will also participate in the 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition "It is only without the knowledge of the observed one that the observer is able to make judgements as this is what he truly sees. In this piece, I look upon my 15-year-old self without holding back any criticisms as I am aware that this girl is only just a fleeting memory of the past immortalized in an image." - Ray Wanda Totanes | ![]() |
The 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition will be on view at the Salmagundi Club, NYC from May 12th – June 1st with the public opening reception on Saturday, May 13th from 11am to 3pm. The works will then travel to the MEAM Museum, Barcelona where they will be on view from September 23rd – November 27th. To learn more about the exhibition and to see the other works that have joined the exhibition so far, visit our 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition Page. #12thARCSalon |