News of Stolen ARC’s Best in Show Winner Spreads to China
Published on December 14, 2018
The painting that won Best in Show in the 13th International ARC Salon Competition, Ming Yu’s painting “In Bvlag”, went missing just days before the launch of the traveling exhibition. The painting was allegedly taken, along with several other of the artist’s works, from Yu’s home, by his spouse, unbeknownst to him after a dispute between the two just days before the exhibition’s public opening event at the Salmagundi Club in Manhattan.
On December 11th, News of Ming Yu’s Stolen Painting went viral across the art world in China. There were dozens of online media reports by the major art media there, such as Chinese Artists Network, China Gallery Network, China Oil Painting Network, China Contemporary Art Network, China Sculpture Network, China Auction Network, and more, all of which mention the ARC Salon competition and ARC. This has caused a huge sensation in the Chinese art world, hoping for the painting to be recovered so that it can still participate in the 13th International ARC Salon Exhibition’s final venue, the MEAM (Museum of European Art Modern), in Barcelona, Spain. The exhibition is scheduled to open at the MEAM on February 8th, 2019.
Here are a few examples of the press coverage surrounding the stolen work in China