Part VII in Educational Article Series Published
October 31, 2016
Part seven in a series of 15 plus articles on French and English Academic Painting by ARC COO, Kara Lysandra Ross, has been published in the Epoch Times. This article focuses on the Barbizon School and Naturalism. "The naturalist Barbizon school of painters was a group of artists who gathered between 1830 and 1870 in the village of Barbizon near Fontainebleau Forest, France. This group of artists was known as a movement that trended toward a more impressionist, plein air approach. They worked to capture peasant life and the rural landscape. Although these artists are usually allocated to naturalism, it is important to note that they did study at the academy schools, a fact that is not often mentioned." To read the full article, click here. | The Goose Girl of Mezy by Leon-Augustin L'hermitte |