Posts for March, 2017

March 2017

Jeremy Lipking Solo Exhibition

March 31, 2017

ARC Living Master™ Jeremy Lipking is holding a solo exhibition for the first time in four years at Arcadia Contemporary, Town Plaza, 9428 Washington Blvd. Culver City, CA 90232.

The show runs until April 2, 2017.

For more information on this and other events, please click here.

New Work Added to Live ARC Salon

March 31, 2017

We are pleased to announce that Melancholia by Jason Brady has been added to the 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition.
"We all wear masks throughout our lives. Sometimes they are donned as an unintentional reaction, other times it is a way to hide oneself or deceive others. There are times when the wearer identifies more with the mask and ends up believing one's own deception. A mask also serves as a symbol that transcends the individual making him into something more than he is, or lesser. In Melancholia, the figure separates himself from a dichotomous mask depicting the interlocking faces of tragedy and comedy. The mask that has defined him for so long is removed and offered away, while the man feels for the face that has been hidden. He feels just another mask, one of flesh. Clutching his jaw, searching for the edge, he desperately tries to peel it off. Perhaps there will always be a mask obscuring the true face of reality." - Jason Brady
The 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition will be on view at the Salmagundi Club, NYC from May 12th – June 1st with the public opening reception on Saturday, May 13th from 11am to 3pm. The works will then travel to the MEAM Museum, Barcelona where they will be on view from September 23rd – November 27th.

This work is also available for sale. For inquiries please contact

To learn more about the exhibition and to see the other works that have joined the exhibition so far, visit our 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition Page. #12thARCSalon

New Work Added to Live ARC Salon

March 30, 2017

We are pleased to announce that Snow Storm by Nicholas O’Leary has been added to the 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition.

"It was a grey wintry day. It had been raining for weeks and I was itching to get out of the studio. Stepping outside, the wind had eased off and there was no precipitate. I rode my bike up the mountain maintenance trail until the snow made it too sluggish. Continuing on foot, the fog had begun to billow around the mountain top, which promptly became sleet. I pegged my easel to the ground with tent pegs and duct taped an umbrella to it. However, the canvas and the palette still became damp, and needed to be constantly wiped so that the paint would transfer. A purple raincoat covered in paint was my outer shell, under which I had 2 thick woolen jerseys and a woolen singlet. I did star-jumps (jumping-jacks) every 10 minutes or so to generate some heat. As the painting neared completion, a deafening roar of thunder blasted through the swirling clouds of sleet. After crouching some distance away for a few minutes I rushed to my steel easel/umbrella contraption, collected my gear from the mountain top and moved on."- Nicholas O'Leary
This work is also available for sale. For inquiries please contact

The 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition will be on view at the Salmagundi Club, NYC from May 12th – June 1st with the public opening reception on Saturday, May 13th from 11am to 3pm. The works will then travel to the MEAM Museum, Barcelona where they will be on view from September 23rd – November 27th.
To learn more about the exhibition and to see the other works that have joined the exhibition so far, visit our 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition Page. #12thARCSalon

New ARC Approved™ Atelier

March 30, 2017

The Paris Academy of Art is an art institute dedicated to high-level realist painting and drawing techniques. The Academy is open to all those who, regardless of age, nationality or background, want to acquire the skills needed to become accomplished at realist painting or drawing. By enrolling in the Paris Academy of Art, you are following in those illustrious footsteps and continuing a rigorous, demanding, excellence-based artistic tradition. Just as in other artistic disciplines, drawing and painting require precise and rigorous training, guided by the best art masters. The Paris Academy of Art offers a focused, excellence-oriented environment that favors that training.
To learn more about the Paris Academy of Art, please click here.

New Work Added to Live ARC Salon

March 30, 2017

We are pleased to announce that Stream of the Shadow by Katsu Nakajima has been added to the 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition.
"This is the Yukawa river, a small stream originating from one of the famous active volcanos in Japan, Mt. Asama. I often walk down to this river from my atelier for landscape sketches and fly-fishing. The most impressive thing is the bright sunshine in summer, which gives me special inspiration I cannot feel elsewhere. The movement of the surface of this river reflects various colors. It looks like transparent mosaic glass and I feel as if I'm also a part of a stream of time and space. The sound of the river and wild birdsongs with their spiritual voices carries to me in the cold air. The sacred silence filling the spaces between sound, I put all of them into this canvas with all my energy." - Katsu Nakajima

This work is also available for sale. For inquiries please contact
The 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition will be on view at the Salmagundi Club, NYC from May 12th – June 1st with the public opening reception on Saturday, May 13th from 11am to 3pm. The works will then travel to the MEAM Museum, Barcelona where they will be on view from September 23rd – November 27th.

To learn more about the exhibition and to see the other works that have joined the exhibition so far, visit our 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition Page. #12thARCSalon

New Work Added to Live ARC Salon

March 29, 2017

We are pleased to announce that Away from the City by Hsin-Yao Tseng has been added to the 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition.
"This painting is part of my Disconnect series from 2015. It is a collection of paintings which offers moments to reflect on our current lifestyle and the ever persistent changes technology imposes on our living routines. In the series, I use headphones to represent technology devises, symbolizing our communication with each other. The lines and cables represent the invisible connection wireless communication camouflages. While technology is the nature of our era, it is still important to make time to disconnect and enjoy the natural beauty of our surroundings. This piece is trying to guide people away from the city, away from all the stress and technology, just to appreciate the beauty of nature." - Hsin-Yao Tseng
This work is also available for sale. For inquiries please contact

The 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition will be on view at the Salmagundi Club, NYC from May 12th – June 1st with the public opening reception on Saturday, May 13th from 11am to 3pm. The works will then travel to the MEAM Museum, Barcelona where they will be on view from September 23rd – November 27th.

To learn more about the exhibition and to see the other works that have joined the exhibition so far, visit our 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition Page. #12thARCSalon

Enlightened Princesses: Caroline, Augusta, Charlotte, and the Shaping of the Modern World

March 28, 2017

Caroline of Ansbach, Augusta of Saxe-Gotha, and Charlotte of Mecklenberg-Strelitz — three German princesses who married into the British royal family in the 18th century — are the focus of a stunning exhibition of nearly 300 artworks at the Yale Center for British Art located on 1080 Chapel Street, New Haven, Connecticut. The exhibition which runs from February 2 - April 30, 2017, explores the lasting legacies of these important women and how each shaped courtly life.

For more information on this and other events, please click here.

Vicki Sullivan Exhibition

March 27, 2017

ARC Associate Living Master Vicki Sullivan will be exhibiting her painting "Born to Run" in the National Equine Art Prize Exhibit. The painting has been selected as a finalist and the exhibit will be held as part of the MDRC Mansfield Cup Day Races on Saturday April 8th 2017, with a twilight gala presentation of the award winners the previous evening Friday April 7th 2017, held at the Mansfield Race Club, Midland Highway Mansfield Victoria.
The show takes place at the Mansfield Race Club - Midland Highway, Mansfield, Victoria, Australia.

To learn more about this and other events, please click here.

New Work Added to Live ARC Salon

March 24, 2017

We are pleased to announce that The Attributes of Art by Michael DeVore has been added to the 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition.
"This painting is a tribute to the famous 18th century French painter Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin. He made several still life paintings depicting the attributes of art, painting, science, and music over the course of his career. He also had an interest in creating trompe l'oeil paintings of bas-relief sculpture and I pay homage to this in my own painting. The Greco-Roman bas-relief represents the discipline of sculpture and the history of Western art dating back to the Greeks. The sculpture shows a scene of sacrifice, a principle often associated with creating art. The palette, brushes, and oil represent the discipline of painting and the full range of colors needed to render the natural world in paint. The small drawing under the palette represents the most rudimentary discipline of art. It depicts the eye, hand, and mind which must all work together simultaneously to create a skillful work. The two pennies allude to the financial difficulties many artists face while trying to make a living. They also symbolize the criticism an artist often receives. Everyone wants to offer their 'two cents'." - Michael DeVore

This work is also available for sale. For inquiries please contact
The 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition will be on view at the Salmagundi Club, NYC from May 12th – June 1st with the public opening reception on Saturday, May 13th from 11am to 3pm. The works will then travel to the MEAM Museum, Barcelona where they will be on view from September 23rd – November 27th.

To learn more about the exhibition and to see the other works that have joined the exhibition so far, visit our 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition Page. #12thARCSalon

Lesson 20 in DVI Bargue Course Released

March 24, 2017

The Da Vinci Initiative is proud to introduce a new online Bargue Drawing course titled Charles Bargue in the 21st Century. This course takes you from start to finish in creating a drawing from a 19th century Bargue plate. This week they have released Lesson 20 on filling in shadow shapes in the Bargue drawing.
Released videos can be accessed for free on the DVI YouTube channel or please visit the DVI Store to purchase the course in entirety with additional footage. 400 & 500 Level Continuing Education Quarter Credits are available for this course through a partnership with The Heritage Institute. The course, Bargue Drawing in the 21st Century Classroom, involves additional online discussions and assignments and is available for $360-$475 plus the cost of the DVI Introduction to Advanced Observational Drawing videos. For more information on how to get college credit for this course click here.

New Work Added to Live ARC Salon

March 24, 2017

We are pleased to announce that Fate Casting Judgment upon the Earth by Mica Pillemer has been added to the 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition.
"Judgment is on the horizon. The earth is in the hand of fate. She looks to the heavens beseeching for clemency. Must she deliver her sentence? She cradles the earth to her breast, horror warring with denial. As the answer descends will judgment be rendered? Beneath her, the scales of justice collapse under the weight of evil unacknowledged. The overflow is a tide of death. Progress lies in a fog of ruin. Imminent destruction swirls around the heart of culture. The sun is setting on civilization." – Mica Pilemer.
This work is also available for sale. For inquiries please contact

The 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition will be on view at the Salmagundi Club, NYC from May 12th – June 1st with the public opening reception on Saturday, May 13th from 11am to 3pm. The works will then travel to the MEAM Museum, Barcelona where they will be on view from September 23rd – November 27th.

To learn more about the exhibition and to see the other works that have joined the exhibition so far, visit our 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition Page. #12thARCSalon

New Work Added to Live ARC Salon

March 23, 2017

We are pleased to announce that Minnehaha Falls in Winter by Mary Pettis has been added to the 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition.
"Minnehaha Falls is treasured by the residents of Minnesota not only for its beauty, but also for its historic significance. The New England poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, gave this Minneapolis waterfall national fame in the Song of Hiawatha. It is particularly stunning in winter, and I was eager to capture it in paint. I arrived on location with boots, mittens, easel and canvas, only to find that I was too late for the morning light I had anticipated...moreover, it was getting cloudy. Disappointed, I decided to at least draw in the basic shapes in preparation for my return the next day. Suddenly, the skies parted and a beautiful, raking light poured from left to right across the scene! So much more dramatic than what I had envisioned painting that day! I love when nature tells us how she wants to be portrayed!" – Mary Pettis
The 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition will be on view at the Salmagundi Club, NYC from May 12th – June 1st with the public opening reception on Saturday, May 13th from 11am to 3pm. The works will then travel to the MEAM Museum, Barcelona where they will be on view from September 23rd – November 27th.

To learn more about the exhibition and to see the other works that have joined the exhibition so far, visit our 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition Page. #12thARCSalon

Studio Incamminati Facebook Event

March 23, 2017

The ARC Approved™ Studio Incamminati is broadcasting a four-hour demo featuring Instructors Lea Colie Wight, Darren Kingsley and Kerry Dunn. While a small live audience watches the demo, Facebook users around the globe are encouraged to make comments and ask questions about the painting process. Faculty members Dan Thompson and Natalie Italiano will moderate, taking the best questions and getting answers from the artists.

The event takes place on Saturday March 25 from 12:30 - 4:30 pm est.

To learn more, please click here.

California Art Club 106th Gold Medal Exhibition

March 22, 2017

The California Art Club, an ARC Allied Organization, will be holding it's 106th Annual Gold Medal Exhibition from April 9 – 30, 2017 at the Autry Museum of the American West - 4700 Western Heritage Way, - Griffith Park, Los Angeles, CA 90027.

Several special events will be held during the exhibition.

There will be an Artists' Gala Reception on April 8, 2017, and demos and lectures throughout the month.

For more information about these events, please click here.

Texas Academy Spring Salon

March 21, 2017

The ARC Approved™ Texas Academy of Figurative Art is holding their Spring Gallery Night Reception on Saturday, March 25th, 2017 from 5 - 9 pm. Works by the students and faculty of TAFA will be on view.

The Texas Academy of Figurative Art is located at 415 South Main Street, Fort Worth, TX 76104.

For more information on this and other events, please visit our exhibitions page.

Atelier Article in Epoch Times

March 20, 2017

An article titled "A Resurgence of Art" by Milene Fernandez has recently been published in the Epoch Times. The article details how ateliers and artists who are creating traditional art are flourishing despite a largely hostile art market.
"There's a group of artists who most of the general public has yet to know exist. These are highly skilled painters, sculptors, and draftsmen trained in ateliers or academies who are not embarrassed to utter the word "beautiful" at a time when that word is generally scorned by the contemporary art establishment. You'll hardly ever see their works in major museums or at major galleries for longer than a short stint. Most of their works are whisked away by private collectors or are sitting in their studios, waiting to be discovered."

To read more, please click here.

Robert Liberace Event

March 17, 2017

ARC Living Master™ Robert Liberace will bring to life the beauty and poetry of Venetian red chalk drawing as he works on a live portrait while describing the key features of this technique and how the Venetian painterly tradition shaped their approach to drawing.
This rich evening will be complemented by Venetian wines and small plates by Chef Francesco Ricchi.

The event takes place on March 26, 2017 at Cesco Osteria & Co2 Lounge - 7401 Woodmont Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20814.

Ticket Prices are $25.

To learn more about this and other events, please visit our exhibitions page.

New Work Added to Live ARC Salon

March 17, 2017

We are pleased to announce that 5th Circle by Robert Liberace has been added to the 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition.
"The painting 5th Circle expresses my fascination with the active human figure and my desire to capture the power and poetry that results from the detailed description of the body in dramatic poses. The painting also explores both the interesting visual effects of light and the narrative power that light embodies. Dante's Inferno provides the inspiration for this painting and the dark underworld he envisions creates a fiery backdrop for the action. The burning shoreline creates an apocalyptic atmosphere representing the darker realms of the human soul. The flames illuminate one side of the ferryman with a sharp searing light as he moves toward a contrasting cooler light shining in from the opposite side. This clear softer light evokes a desire of the soul to seek Paradise."
This work is also available for sale. For inquiries please contact

The 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition will be on view at the Salmagundi Club, NYC from May 12th – June 1st with the public opening reception on Saturday, May 13th from 11am to 3pm. The works will then travel to the MEAM Museum, Barcelona where they will be on view from September 23rd – November 27th.

To learn more about the exhibition and to see the other works that have joined the exhibition so far, visit our 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition Page. #12thARCSalon

New Work Added to Live ARC Salon

March 16, 2017

We are pleased to announce that Capturing Beauty by Daniel Gerhartz has been added to the 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition.
"The emphasis of my entire career has been quite simply, the pursuit of capturing beauty. This quest has not been carried out with a hedonistic aim, but rather it springs forth from a sincere aspiration to share that which I have found so life giving. The concept for this painting originated in part from studying the working habits of the great masters and viewing photos of them working with models in their studios. I truly believe these artists were of a common purpose, trying with all of their might to fully express the beauty they were bathing in. While this work of art was not created as a literal self-portrait, it was painted as one, in essence, as I sought to align my sensitivities with those who have been drawn to explore the richness of beauty captured and shared."
This work is also available for sale. For inquiries please contact

The 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition will be on view at the Salmagundi Club, NYC from May 12th – June 1st with the public opening reception on Saturday, May 13th from 11am to 3pm. The works will then travel to the MEAM Museum, Barcelona where they will be on view from September 23rd – November 27th.

To learn more about the exhibition and to see the other works that have joined the exhibition so far, visit our 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition Page. #12thARCSalon

New Work Added to Live ARC Salon

March 15, 2017

We are pleased to announce that Fritter and Waste by Emanuela De Musis has been added to the 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition.
"Discovering Edmund Tarbell's Mrs. Lovering Hathaway at the MFA Boston, started me thinking about how the gesture of hands can more greatly define the mood of a painting than even the face itself. Mrs. Hathaway stares out blankly. She could be bored or mournful. Her head is straight, her neck stiff, but those hands, primly placed on her lap, have action. Bony fingers pinch, twist and tug nervously at some internal angst. In her Boston proper way, Mrs. Hathaway reminded me of the southern Italian widows in their black mourning shawls, rosaries between their thumbs, the repeated prayers inducing a meditative state. Stoicism, nervous hands, rosaries, these elements became Fritter and Waste, the portrait of a woman with an undefined guilt, releasing her tension by rubbing worry beads."
This work is also available for sale. For inquiries please contact

The 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition will be on view at the Salmagundi Club, NYC from May 12th – June 1st with the public opening reception on Saturday, May 13th from 11am to 3pm. The works will then travel to the MEAM Museum, Barcelona where they will be on view from September 23rd – November 27th.

To learn more about the exhibition and to see the other works that have joined the exhibition so far, visit our 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition Page. #12thARCSalon

Joshua LaRock Workshops

March 15, 2017

ARC Living Master™ Joshua LaRock is offering several workshops this spring and summer. There is still space available in the 3 day portrait painting workshop from April 28-30 2017 in Durham, NC, the 5 day portrait painting workshop from May 24-28 2017 in Seville, Spain, and the 3 day portrait painting workshop from August 11-13 2017 in Raleigh, NC.

For more information about these workshops, please click here.

Morgan Weistling in Fine Art Conoisseur

March 14, 2017

ARC Living Master™ Morgan Weistling has recently had an article written about his work in Fine Art Connoisseur Magazine.

"Since he was a child, artist Morgan Weistling has constantly seen beauty and design in the world. Intensely studying art by 12 and painting movie posters for top agencies by 19, Weistling has been chasing beauty his entire career, and he continually captures it with luminous results."

To read the whole article, please click here.

New IX Website

March 13, 2017

IX Arts, an ARC Allied Organization™, now has a new website to showcase their art show and symposium that is dedicated solely to imaginative realism.

To see their new website, please visit

New Work Added to Live ARC Salon

March 10, 2017

We are pleased to announce that The Twilight of Venus by Rubén Belloso Adorna has been added to the 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition.
"My painting titled The Twilight of Venus aims to be a reflection on the current canons of beauty. I have taken as a model a very important and close figure in my life, my grandmother. It is a manifesto towards the true beauty of the human being, without touches or filters. Beauty does not understand age. I represent an old woman, a Venus, in the twilight of her life, as the ultimate symbol of beauty. An eternal beauty that does not understand fashions. Old age is synonymous with experiences and wisdom. Each wrinkle, each crease, tell their story, the smiles and the tears shed. This piece has been made in pastels on prepared wood. An incredible but unknown technique for a large part of the art sector."
This work is also available for sale. For inquiries please contact

The 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition will be on view at the Salmagundi Club, NYC from May 12th – June 1st with the public opening reception on Saturday, May 13th from 11am to 3pm. The works will then travel to the MEAM Museum, Barcelona where they will be on view from September 23rd – November 27th.

To learn more about the exhibition and to see the other works that have joined the exhibition so far, visit our 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition Page. #12thARCSalon

Lesson 19 in DVI Bargue Course Released

March 10, 2017

The Da Vinci Initiative is proud to introduce a new online Bargue Drawing course titled Charles Bargue in the 21st Century. This course takes you from start to finish in creating a drawing from a 19th century Bargue plate. This week they have released Lesson 19 on rendering shadow shapes in the Bargue drawing.
Released videos can be accessed for free on the DVI YouTube channel or please visit the DVI Store to purchase the course in entirety with additional footage. 400 & 500 Level Continuing Education Quarter Credits are available for this course through a partnership with The Heritage Institute. The course, Bargue Drawing in the 21st Century Classroom, involves additional online discussions and assignments and is available for $360-$475 plus the cost of the DVI Introduction to Advanced Observational Drawing videos. For more information on how to get college credit for this course click here.

New Work Added To Live Salon Exhibition

March 9, 2017

We are pleased to announce that Animal Nitrate by Alessandro Tomassetti has been added to the 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition.
“The sitter for my painting, Animal Nitrate, is a Colombian model, Ricardo Dominguez. We met in Barcelona after he had just finished working fashion week, modeling in both men’s and women’s shows. As my work explores contemporary ideas of masculinity and sensuality, I found his androgyny and the ease with which he expressed it, fascinating. In person, Ricardo is charismatic and intense; one moment chatty and engaging and the next, laser-focused and offering pose after striking pose. I dressed him in an elaborate white shirt that I had custom made for an exhibition in Los Angeles. Grosgrain ribbon and crochet tendrils escape from underneath the shirt’s epaulettes, mimicking Ricardo’s waist length hair. The shirt, as much as the pose and expression, contributes to a sense of mystery in the painting, one befitting its mysterious sitter.”
This work is on loan from a private collection.

The 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition will be on view at the Salmagundi Club, NYC from May 12th – June 1st with the public opening reception on Saturday, May 13th from 11am to 3pm. The works will then travel to the MEAM Museum, Barcelona where they will be on view from September 23rd – November 27th.

To learn more about the exhibition and to see the other works that have joined the exhibition so far, visit our 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition Page. #12thARCSalon

New ARC Allied Organization™

March 9, 2017

Prayer for Winter's End by Coulter Prehm
ARC is pleased to welcome Renaissance Life as our newest Allied Organization™!

Renaissance Life is a 501c3 organization whose primary aim is to facilitate creativity, quality and vibrant life in the communities we are a part of.

By speaking, teaching and providing art resources supporting sound artistic practices, Renaissance Life aims to be a tool available to those pursuing the visual arts. Due to the rich history and technical skills associated with Realist Art, the bulk of instructional resources produced by Renaissance Life are focused on this genre.
To learn more about this organization, please click here.

Clark Gussin News

March 8, 2017

ARC Living Artist™ Clark Gussin will be displaying his work at the "Salon at Triton", a 2D Competition and Exhibition.

The exhibition is being held at the Triton Museum of Art located on 1505 Warburton Ave. Santa Clara, CA 95050 from March 11, 2017 - April 23, 2017.

The artist reception takes place on Sunday, March 12, 2-4 PM.

To learn more, please visit our events page.

New Work Added To Live Salon Exhibition

March 7, 2017

We are pleased to announce that Sparrow’s Rest by Michael Dumas has been added to the 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition.
"Every painting inevitably has something to do with the individual. It’s not simply about what is being depicted in and of itself. There are innumerable things one can choose to paint, that is, the objects themselves; but the underlying purpose of creating has to do with conveying something about why those objects inspire attention in the first place. I am very much attracted to things that express the simple harmony found in the everyday living of life. In a shed behind Bellamy’s Mill, two common house sparrows perch on a pile of flour sacks, their lives unnoticed by people passing by. Some areas of the cloth are ablaze in full sunlight, while others are only softly illuminated. The rest drop back into deep darkness. Oh, beautiful!"
This work is also available for sale. For inquiries please contact

The 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition will be on view at the Salmagundi Club, NYC from May 12th – June 1st with the public opening reception on Saturday, May 13th from 11am to 3pm. The works will then travel to the MEAM Museum, Barcelona where they will be on view from September 23rd – November 27th.

To learn more about the exhibition and to see the other works that have joined the exhibition so far, visit our 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition Page. #12thARCSalon

Figurative Art Convention and Expo

March 7, 2017

Held on the East Coast of the United States at the prestigious and historic Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables, Florida, the first annual Figurative Art Convention & Expo (FACE) is designed to be hands-on; attendees can paint, grow, and become inspired in a fun, non-stuffy environment. The Expo Hall will provide vendors who serve the figurative art community. The event is created by Fine Art Connoisseur magazine, and hosted by Editor Peter Trippi and Publisher Eric Rhoads.
FACE runs from November 8 - 11, 2017 at the Miami Biltmore Hotel - 1200 Anastasia Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33134.

For more information and to register now, please click here.

New ARC Living Artist™

March 6, 2017

ARC is pleased to welcome Svetlana Kanyo as our newest ARC Living Artist™.

Lemons by Svetlana Kanyo
Svetlana believes that human experience and emotions are most naturally and profoundly expressed through art. A work of art can capture all of the beauty and pain of life, and hold onto it. For her, art brings personal growth: "I can step back from my creation and uncover deeper layers of myself. This expanded vision inspires my future work and my teaching. If a viewer can identify him or herself, or make a connection with my art, then the viewer can believe that what is felt is real and justified. Art brings faith, and faith is what we all are searching for. Through art, people find their own inner peace and envision or become aware of a better place for themselves in this world."
To view her gallery on ARC, please click here.

New Work Added To Live Salon Exhibition

March 3, 2017

We are pleased to announce that The Storyteller by Cornelia Hernes has been added to the 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition.
The Storyteller is a part of a recent body of work portraying a selection of characters from the Italian theatre tradition of Commedia dell’arte. I am intrigued by the timeless and cross-cultural ritual of disguise and role-play as a means to explore different aspects of life. Storytelling presents an arena in which we can expand our minds and explore our emotions. In the context of theatre, the storyteller sets the mood of the stage and introduces the premise of the story for the actors to carry out. The Storyteller further represents someone who through concealing her own identity can freely mediate a message beyond herself. The function of the mask in this case is therefore not to hide, but rather to reveal other perspectives. Symbolically, the mask alludes to how we assume different roles. We each naturally bring out a selection of the many facets of who we are in different contexts in life. The Storyteller reminds us that a person is so much more than we can actually see.”
This work is also available for sale. For inquiries please contact

The 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition will be on view at the Salmagundi Club, NYC from May 12th – June 1st with the public opening reception on Saturday, May 13th from 11am to 3pm. The works will then travel to the MEAM Museum, Barcelona where they will be on view from September 23rd – November 27th.

To learn more about the exhibition and to see the other works that have joined the exhibition so far, visit our 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition Page. #12thARCSalon

Pre-order the ARC Salon Catalogue

March 3, 2017

Pre-order your copy of the 12th International ARC Salon Catalogue today!

This catalogue will include images of all finalist works by all 640 artists.
This book will also serve as our official exhibition catalogue for the live version of the ARC Salon which will travel from the Salmagundi Club, New York, New York where it will be on exhibition from May 12th - June 1st of 2017 to the MEAM Museum in Barcelona, Spain where it will be on view from September 23rd - November 27th.

We are offering this catalogue now at our special pre-order price of $53.

Catalogues are expected in and ready to ship in April of 2017.

To order, please click here.

Mary Ross Buchholz Exhibition

March 2, 2017

ARC Associate Living Master™ Mary Ross Buchholz is participating in the Texas Masters show at Insight Gallery located on 214 West Main Street, Fredericksburg, TX 78624.

The show runs from March 1, 2017 - March 24, 2017 and Mary Ross Buchholz will be doing a demo on Saturday afternoon, Mar. 4th.

For more information on this and other events, please visit our events page.

New Work Added To Live Salon Exhibition

March 1, 2017

We are pleased to announce that Blowing Smoke by Nicole Moné has been added to the 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition.
"Aaron Shikler was my friend and mentor for many years, and this was the scene that typically punctuated each of my visits with him. His studio was always filled with the warm scent of turpentine, oil paint, and the ever-present smell of tobacco. Watching his pipe smoke transform from a sculptural thickness into a gauzy haze, was a trance-inducing and meditative experience. One that begged to be painted.

With Aaron’s passing, smoke became, for me, a metaphor for the impermanence of...everything.

There are moments in life that are snapshots of an entire season or era, when time seems to have slowed for you so that you may fully absorb every detail. Such snapshots serve as anchors to which many memories are tethered. To capture in paint, and share one of these snapshots, one of these anchoring moments of life, is something I most hope for as an artist."
This work is also available for sale. For inquiries please contact

The 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition will be on view at the Salmagundi Club, NYC from May 12th – June 1st with the public opening reception on Saturday, May 13th from 11am to 3pm. The works will then travel to the MEAM Museum, Barcelona where they will be on view from September 23rd – November 27th.

To learn more about the exhibition and to see the other works that have joined the exhibition so far, visit our 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition Page. #12thARCSalon

American Watercolor in the Age of Homer and Sargent

March 1, 2017

This extraordinary gathering of rarely seen masterpieces traces the rise of a uniquely American medium. Shaped by the genius of Winslow Homer and John Singer Sargent, the watercolor movement tells a story about innovation, experimentation, and the creation of bold new ways of seeing the world.

The exhibition takes place at the Philadelphia Museum of Art - 2600 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19130 on March 1 - May 14, 2017.
To learn more about this and other exhibitions, please click here.

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